Service Manager → Implementation → Additional Information → Service Level Agreements → Defining SLAs → SLA Settings → SLA Clause General Options
The following options are available when you add or edit a clause:
Toolbar Options
Click to save changes made on the page.
Click to discard changes made on the page.
Click to show the visual workflow assigned to the project.
Basic Clause Options
Type a name. Names must be unique within an SLA.
Type an optional description.
Time & Risk Options
Type a number and then select Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), or Week(s). This option specifies how long the clause will stay in effect, beginning with the start date and time for the SLA. The default value is 2 Day(s).
By default, 24 Hour Calendar and User Submitter are provided. You can also select user-defined calendars or calendars that are included in SBM.
This option enables you to define risk levels in terms of time remaining before items are in violation of this SLA. When 100% of the time remains, the risk is considered Low. When 0% of the time remains, items are in Violation. You can define the percentage of time remaining that puts items in Medium or High risk of violation. The default value for medium risk is 50%; the default value for high risk is 25%.
Path Options
Path options enable you to define the range of states in the workflow that needs to be monitored. For example, if the SLA states that 99% of hardware requests must be completed within three business days of approval, the path would start with the Approved state and end with the Completed state. If a technician needs information from a customer before proceeding, then the Waiting for Input state should be defined as a "paused" state, because the time an item is in this state should not be counted against the time remaining.
In the preceding scenario, the elapsed time for the item is three days, because the time since the item was re-opened is added to the previous time.
Select the start state or states from the list, or type ahead to
search for states containing the characters you type. Click
to clear the
search and start over.
Select the end state or states from the list, or type ahead to
search for states containing the characters you type. Click
to clear the
search and start over.
Select the paused state or states from the list, or type ahead to
search for states containing the characters you type. Click
to clear the
search and start over.
Qualifying Conditions
You must define at least one condition that evaluates to "true" before the clause takes effect. For example, the SLA might only be relevant if the value of the Customer Rank field is "Gold."
If you define multiple conditions, they are joined by logical operators. AND means that both conditions must evaluate to "true" before the clause is put into effect; OR means that only one condition must evaluate to "true." Click the logical operator to toggle between them.
You can view a string that represents the conditions in the Summary section.
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