Reviewing articles before they are published for public viewing in the
Knowledge Center
ensures that they meet the standards set by your company.
The main actors for reviewing articles are the editor/publisher and
reviewer. The editor/publisher is responsible for sending the article for
review, adding suggested edits to the article, and publishing the article. The
reviewers are responsible for reviewing the article and suggesting edits.
Knowledge Management
review steps follow:
- The contributor finishes an article and sends it to the publisher
using the
Send to Publisher transition. The article moves
to the
Content Preparation state.
- The publisher uses the
Send for Review transition to send the article
for review.
- The publisher chooses the reviewers by moving them into the
Reviewers list.
- After adding the
Work Notes to the article, the publisher
completes the transition by clicking
- The article moves to the
Content Review state, where the selected
reviewers become the owners.
- The reviewer can
Approve the article or
Suggest Edits. The suggested edits are noted in the
Suggested Edit field.
- If the reviewer suggested edits, the article moves to the
Edits Suggested state.
- The publisher can
Edit the item with the suggested edits.
- After the edits have been incorporated, the publisher chooses to
either publish the article or send it for another round of review.
In addition to the usual review path, publishers can choose from the
following options:
- Return the article to the contributor, which
moves the article back the
Draft state. The contributor can add to the
article and then send it back to the publisher.
- Reject the article, which moves it to the
Rejected state. The contributor to the article
can choose to
Re-Submit the article.
- Cancel review of the article, which returns it to the
publisher. If suggested edits have been added, the article moves to the
Edits Suggested
state. If not, it returns to the
Content Preparation
- Delete the article, removing it from the system.
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