4. Incident Resolution and Closure

Incidents are resolved when service has been restored to normal. Incidents can be resolved in a variety of ways including attaching a Workaround or a Known Error. A Workaround includes the steps on how to circumvent the problem. A Known Error is a problem where there is no known fix. There might be a workaround for the Known Error.

When resolving the error, you can select a Known Error, a Workaround, or a Knowledge Center article as a solution.


The option to create a How To article in the Knowledge Center is available on the Resolve transition. Selecting Yes will launch the Submit form into Knowledge Management after completing the Resolve transition.

Restriction: You must have permissions to submit an item into Knowledge Management to create an article. For example, you could be a member of the Contributors role in Knowledge Management.
Note: The content fields in the knowledge base article are automatically populated with the content from the incident. Selecting Load Article Template will clear the populated information, replacing it with the content from the template.
In the Resolved list, select from the following:

Depending on whether the incident was resolved with a workaround:

From the Resolved state, a user can close the incident by selecting the Close transition. The Close transition launches a survey form, where users can rate their service desk experience. The survey form has four selection fields and a text entry field for additional comments.

The completed incident moves to the Closed state, indicating that it is no longer active. The final incident displays a total Survey Score, which is a summation of the weighted values of Courtesy, Responsiveness, Technical Expertise, and Overall Satisfaction values. The default weightings for Courtesy, Responsiveness, and Technical Expertise are the selected values. Overall Satisfaction is weighted at ten times the selection, for example, a selection of 1 would be weighted as 10 for the Survey Score. Change the weightings by editing the fields in SBM Composer.
Tip: The Satisfaction Dashboard provides four reports to assist in monitoring the responses to the satisfaction survey.
A second method of closing an incident from the Resolved state is the IT Close transition. This transition is available only to users in the IM Operators, IM Manager, IM Level 2, IM Level 3, and IM Administrator roles. This transition does not include a survey form.
Note: If you are a member of IM User and a role with permissions to the IT Close transition, you will see two close transition buttons, Close and IT Close, on the Resolved state form. Choose the Close transition to complete the survey.