Incident Management Dashboards

Dashboard reports are available in the SSM - Incident Management snapshot. This topic describes the reports in three of the dashboards.

Note: The dashboard reports are multi-view reports. You can add additional views to improve your incident management process. Multi-view reports can be edited from the Reports pane in the SBM User Workspace.
Tip: Set a dashboard report as the home page report by opening the Incidents application in the User Workspace, clicking the Application Settings icon (image), and choosing the report under Home Page Report.

Incidents Dashboard

The Incidents Dashboard is designed to give managers and staff an overview of existing incidents and possible problem areas. It includes the following reports.

Satisfaction Dashboard

The Satisfaction Dashboard is designed to give managers and staff an overview of how quickly incidents are being addressed and the responses to the satisfaction surveys for the incidents. It includes the following reports.

Worklist Dashboard

The Worklist Dashboard is designed to give technicians easy visibility into incidents waiting in a queue and incidents for which they are the primary owner or a secondary owner. It supports the Group Queues feature, and includes the following reports: