Creating Custom Reports

Use the Create Report page to create custom reports, such as Listing and Trend reports.

Restriction: The Create Report page is available only if you have privileges to create reports.

To create a custom report:

  1. Select a report category such as List, Distribution, or Duration depending on your needs.
  2. Review the available report types for that category.
    Tip: Hover your mouse over the report type name or icon to view a sample image of the report. You can also view alternate versions of the report output by selecting one of the available template types that appear above the sample image.

    For example, under Trend, hover over the Backlog report and click the Horizontal Bar template to change the preview image.

    The following tables describe the available report types per category, depending on your privileges:
    • List – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Listing Return textual lists of items based on the search, display, and sorting options you select. This is the most commonly used report type. For details, refer to Custom Listing Reports.
    Change History Search for changes to fields and items, or changes made by specific users, and provide a list of changes made to items. For details, refer to Change History Reports.
    Deleted Items Search change history and display when primary items were deleted, and which user deleted the items. For details, refer to Deleted Items Reports.
    Multi-Table Query system fields to list items from multiple primary and auxiliary tables. For details, refer to Multi-Table Reports.
    Transition Return textual lists of items based on the transition, search, display, and sorting options you select. For details, refer to Transition Reports.
    • Distribution – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Distribution Summarize two categories of items and display them in tabular or graphical format. For details, refer to Distribution Reports.
    Advanced See the numbers of primary items per project, grouped by selected fields. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Advanced Distribution Reports.
    Summary Perform average, sum, maximum and minimum calculations of certain SBM fields. Summary reports allow more categories than Distribution reports, but results are only textual. For details, refer to Summary Reports.
    • Duration – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Advanced Time in State Show the amount of time primary items have spent in a collection of states over time using a calendar to measure time. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Advanced Time in State Reports.
    Average Time to State Show the amount of time primary items take to reach a selected state. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Average Time to State Reports.
    Elapsed Time

    Show the amount of time primary items have spent in a collection of states over time using a calendar to measure time. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Elapsed Time Reports.

    Time in State Show the amount of time primary items have spent in each state. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Time In State Reports.
    • Trend – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Estimated Backlog Provide a comparison of activities completed against activities planned over days, weeks, months, and quarters. The output is a line chart. For details, refer to Estimated Backlog Trend Reports.
    Trend Provide historical totals or submittal rates of primary items over days, weeks, months, and quarters. Report results can be displayed in tabular or graphical format. For details, refer to Trend Reports.
    Backlog Provide trends of open primary items within a selected time interval. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Backlog Trend Reports.
    Entering a State Provide trends of primary items entering a selected state within a selected time interval. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Entering a State Trend Reports.
    Open and Completed Provide open/completed rates of primary items over days, weeks, months, and quarters. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to Open and Completed Trend Reports.
    State Activity Provide trends of primary items entering and leaving a selected state over a selected period of time. The output can be tabular or graphical. For details, refer to State Activity Reports.
    • Dashboard – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Calendar View date-sensitive items in a calendar format, which enables you to view the timing of items and how they fit into your upcoming schedule. For details, refer to Calendar Reports.
    Multi-Calendar View multiple Calendar reports in a single view. For example, you can view all changes, releases, and demand items for the upcoming quarter. For details, refer to Multi-Calendar Reports.
    Drill Through Create multi-view reports that allow you to use one main distribution report to drive the other reports. For details, refer to Drill Through Reports.
    Multi-View Run an multiple reports at once. For details, refer to Multi-View Reports.
    • Other – Available report types include:
    Option Description
    Details See selected field sections for items, providing a more comprehensive view than Listing reports. For details, refer to Details Reports.
    External Specify any URL and store it as a report, applying SBM privileges. For example, you can specify a URL for a report created in an external reporting tool, such as Crystal Reports®. For details, refer to External Reports.
    State Change See state changes for primary items. You can use this report to calculate the time items spend within a state. For details, refer to State Change Reports.
    Version Control Actions (on-premise customers only) Search and view version control history records and file associations for primary items. You must have specific privileges to use this report type. For details, refer to Version Control Actions Reports.
    Tip: Enter the name or description of one or more report types in the Search report type field to return a list reports that match your search string. To return all report types, enter an empty search string. The results are returned in the Search Results tab.
  3. Click the report name, icon, or the sample image to begin creating a report using the selected template.
  4. After providing content, sorting, and additional options for your report, you can:
    • Preview the report

      View your results before saving the report. After previewing your results, click Back to modify the report, or click Save to save the report. For details, refer to Previewing Reports.

    • Save the report

      For details, refer to Saving Reports.

    • Cancel

      Close the report form without saving any changes.