Clustering Server Components

If you plan to create a cluster, read this section in its entirety, and then create a schematic to help you organize and plan your system layout and configuration.

About Clusters

Establishing one or more SBM clusters provides several benefits to your SBM installation.

For example, you can use SBM Configurator to create an Application Repository cluster, where each Application Repository server is an individual node in the cluster that is connected to the same Application Repository database. Multiple users can access the Application Repository cluster, with each request routed to one given Application Repository instance using either a software or hardware load balancer.

Using Load Balancers

The load balancer has knowledge about the health of the configured servers in the cluster. If one of the servers goes down, the load balancer sends requests to the other servers in the cluster.

Load Balancer Requirements in a Tomcat Cluster

You can use either a software or hardware load balancer, though using a hardware load balancer is recommended due to better support, statistics, and overall performance. For uninterrupted service, the load balancer should be configured to ensure that sessions are "sticky" or persistent. This ensures that the same HTTP session is always delegated to the same machine, as state information resides on only one Application Repository server. The load balancer can then delegate different sessions to different servers so that multiple sessions can run on different servers.

For more details on configuring your load balancer with a Tomcat cluster, refer to solution S140260.

Tomcat 8 also supports session migration which provides fail-over. With this option, if one node fails, the user’s session is migrated to another node. For details, see solution S140260.

Load Balancer Requirements in a Application Engine Cluster

In an Application Engine cluster, the load balancer requires session persistence via the "Node Lock" option (also called "Server Affinity" and "Persistence" depending on the load balancer). This option ensures that once a user is directed to a server, they are continuously directed to that server unless there is a long period of inactivity or the server goes down. Data loss can occur if the Node Lock option is not used, in addition to an over consumption of licenses (1 per server that is connected to).

You also need to ensure that the load balancer is configured to properly identify the client. When SBM receives a network packet, it initially scans for X-FORWARDED-FOR: client1, proxy1, proxy2 in the header. If SBM cannot find this header, it uses the source IP address from the packet header instead. A packet that is sent from a load balancer or proxy will contain the load balancer or proxy server's address and not the client address; therefore, you must configure the load balancer header settings to include X-FORWARDED-FOR as SBM expects.

For more details on configuring your load balancer with an Application Engine cluster, refer to solution S138266.

Installation and Configuration Considerations

Review the following important considerations before you configure a cluster.

Creating a Cluster

To create one or more clusters, perform the following steps on each server that will join the cluster as a node :

  1. On the Component Servers tab, drag and drop one or more SBM components that you intend to cluster to an empty space in the design area. This creates a temporary server definition that represents the entire cluster.
  2. Click the new server definition that you just created in the design area.
  3. In the General sub-tab, select Join cluster as a node. Enter the following details:
    Field Name Description
    Cluster name Enter a unique name for the cluster that distinguishes it from other clusters you might create in your development and staging environments.
    Note: If you configure each server manually (instead of updating from the database or importing a snapshot file), you must enter the same Cluster name on each server that you add to the cluster. This means that each server in the cluster will have the same value in the Cluster name field.
    Use HTTP on port Select this check box to configure all SBM URLs to use HTTP.
    Important: If you select this option, all SBM components on this server are only accessible using HTTP. Select only the HTTP check box to force all traffic to use HTTP.
    Use HTTPS on port Select this check box to configure all SBM URLs to use HTTPS.
    Important: If you select this option, all SBM components on this server are only accessible using HTTPS. Select only the HTTPS check box to force all traffic to use HTTPS.
  4. On the Load Balancer tab, enter the following information:
    • Internal load balancer

      Used by nodes that are inside the firewall.

      Field Name Description
      Protocol Select HTTP or HTTPS, depending on which protocol your load balancer is configured to use.
      Host Enter the host name for the internal load balancer.
      Port Enter the port number that is used to access the nodes through the load balancer.
    • External load balancer

      Used for connections from outside the firewall.

      Field Name Description
      Protocol Select HTTP or HTTPS, depending on which protocol your load balancer is configured to use.
      Host Enter the server host name that all incoming requests should use.
      Port Enter the port number that is used to access the nodes through the load balancer.
    Important: After you enter load balancer details for a Tomcat cluster, you must log in to SBM Application Repository, edit the host environment, and update the target server endpoints with the load balancer host and port information that you entered in SBM Configurator. When you are finished, redeploy your process apps to this environment.
  5. On the Nodes tab, enter the following information:
    Field Name Description
    Node 1 Host Enter the host name of the first node that you add to the cluster. Click Add Node to define additional nodes or Remove Node to delete this node from the cluster.
    Node 2 Host Enter the host name of the second node that you add to the cluster. Click Add Node to define additional nodes or Remove Node to delete this node from the cluster.

    After you have added at least one other node, continue to add nodes for each server that will join the cluster as a new node. You must replicate the same node number and host name pairing on each server in the cluster. For example, if you create the following node number and host name pairing on Server A:

    Node Host Name
    Node 1 host: Server A
    Node 2 host: Server B
    Node 3 host: Server C

    You must enter the same pairing on the Nodes tab on Server B and Server C:

    Node Host Name
    Node 1 host: Server A
    Node 2 host: Server B
    Node 3 host: Server C

    If you remove a node, the following node becomes the node number that you just removed. For example, if you remove node 2 (Server B), then Server C becomes node 2. This means you must update each server again with the correct node number and host name pairing.

  6. On the EhCache tab, review the UDP broadcast settings to ensure each cluster that you configure has a unique subnet address and that there are no port conflicts on the server. You must ensure each cluster is assigned a unique address to avoid problems with identifying clusters if they are in the same subnet.
  7. To finish, verify the information on each server that will become a node in the cluster—the same configuration information and the same node number and host pairings should appear for each node that exists in the cluster.

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Component Servers