Configuring Advanced Search

Advanced Search enables you to customize the fields that are available on the Advanced Search form for primary and auxiliary tables, including archived primary tables. Keyword searching is provided for all search types; project searching is available for primary item and archived searches.

Users can perform advanced searches for the following items, depending on their privileges:

Considerations for Advanced Search

Consider this information as you specify fields for Advanced Search:

Adding Fields to Advanced Search

To add fields to the Advanced Search page:

  1. Select the Data Design filter, and then select the table that contains the fields you want to add to the Advanced Search form.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Select the Appears on searches for this table check box.
Note: When this option is selected on User, Multi-User, Single Selection, Multi-Selection, Single Relational, or Multi-Relational fields, the fields appear as facets on the Work Center search results page for a single application. This option also adds the field to the Work Center search index, which enables users to search for work items using values in this field.