Field-to-Field Comparisons

The following table shows the SBM field types that can be compared to each other in a rule expression.

Note: See Creating Expressions for Rules for more information about field-to-field comparisons.
Field Type Field Subtype Compared Field Type
Binary/Trinary Binary, Trinary Binary/Trinary with same subtype

The comparison is done against the positions of the selections in the field control, not against their textual values. For example, if First value in one binary field is "No," and First value in the compared binary field is "False," the rule will evaluate to true if No and False are selected.

Date/Time Date and Time, Date Only, Elapsed Time, Time of Day Date/Time with same subtype
File N/A File

The comparison is done against the actual filename and size, not against the file content.

Folder N/A Not supported
Multi-Group N/A Multi-Group
Multi-Relational N/A Not supported
Multi-Selection N/A Not supported for field-to-field comparison; supported for field-to-value and field-to-variable comparisons.
Multi-User N/A Multi-User with same selection mode on Options tab of field Property Editor (Individual users or Groups & users)
Numeric Fixed, Integer, Float Numeric or Summation
Project N/A Not supported
Single Relational N/A Not supported
Single Selection N/A Not supported for field-to-field comparison; supported for field-to-value and field-to-variable comparisons.
State N/A Not supported for field-to-field comparison; supported for field-to-value and field-to-variable comparisons.
Sub-Relational N/A Selected Sub-field on Options tab of field Property Editor
Summation N/A Summation or any Numeric field type
Text Fixed Length, Memo, Journal Text with any subtype

The comparison is done against the actual URL, not against the URL content.

User N/A User, Multi-User, Multi-Group