The utility string class that stores a text value in UTF-32. This is
not the default string class, but can be used for working with Unicode string
contents. See
string.to_u32string() in
- char32_t&
operator[]( int index ) – Accesses code point at location
index. Throws an exception if
index is out of range.
- u32string&
operator =( u32string s ) – Copies the values from u32string
s. Returns this object.
- u32string&
operator =( char32_t c ) – Sets the value to the code point
c. Returns this object.
- u32string&
operator +=( u32string s ) – Appends the value from u32string
s. Returns this object.
- u32string&
operator +=( char32_t c ) – Appends the code point
c. Returns this object.
- bool
operator ==( u32string s ) – Returns true if both u32strings
contain identical text.
- bool
operator !=( u32string s ) – Returns true if the u32strings
represent different text.
- bool
operator <=( u32string s ) – Compares two u32strings
- bool
operator >=( u32string s ) – Compares two u32strings
- bool
operator <( u32string s ) – Compares two u32strings
- bool
operator >( u32string s ) – Compares two u32strings
- size_t
find(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the first instance of
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- size_t
rfind(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the last instance of
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- size_t
find_first_of(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the first
matching code point from the char32_t values in
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- size_t
find_first_not_of(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the first
non-matching code point from the char32_t values in
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- size_t
find_last_of(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the last
matching code point from the char32_t values in
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- size_t
find_last_not_of(u32string s, size_t index) – Finds the last
non-matching code point from the char32_t values in
s starting at offset
index, returning the 0-based index. When not found,
- void
insert_at(int index, char32_t c) – Inserts code point
c at position
index. Throws an exception if
index is out of range.
- void
erase_at(int index) – Removes code point at position
index. Throws an exception if
index is out of range.
- void
push_back(char32_t c) – Appends code point
- void
clear() – Empties the u32string.
- bool
empty() – Returns true if the u32string is empty.
- size_t
size() – Returns the length of the u32string in code points.
- size_t
length() – Returns the length of the u32string in code points.
- u32string
substr(size_t index, size_t len) – Returns a sub-u32string
starting at offset
index with length of
len. The value
string_npos can be used for the
len parameter to return the remaining u32string
contents. Throws an exception if
index plus
len is out of range.
- u32string
mid( size_t index ) – Returns a sub-u32string starting at
index. Does not throw an exception.
- u32string
mid( size_t index, size_t len ) – Returns a sub-u32string
starting at offset
index with length up to
len. Does not throw an exception.
- u32string
left( size_t len ) – Returns a sub-u32string with up to the
len code points. Does not throw an exception.
- u32string
right( size_t len ) – Returns a sub-u32string with up to the
len code points. Does not throw an exception.
- u32string&
replace( size_t start, size_t count, u32string newStr ) –
Replaces the part of the u32string indicated by [start, start + count) with the
text in
newStr (newStr can be empty).
- u32string&
replaceAll( u32string oldStr, u32string newStr ) – Replaces
each instance of
oldStr with the text in
newStr (newStr can be empty).
- u32string&
replaceFirst( u32string oldStr, u32string newStr ) – Replaces
the first instance of
oldStr with the text in
newStr (newStr can be empty).
- u32string&
replaceFirst( u32string oldStr, u32string newStr, startPosition
) – Replaces the first instance of
oldStr with the text in
newStr (newStr can be empty),
starting at index
- u32string&
replaceLast( u32string oldStr, u32string newStr ) – Replaces
the last instance of
oldStr with the text in
newStr (newStr can be empty).
- u32string&
truncate( size_t newLength ) – Shortens the u32string text
value to the new length.
- u32string
ltrim() – Removes whitespace from the beginning of the
u32string, returning a new u32string.
- u32string&
ltrim_self() – Removes whitespace from the beginning of this
- u32string&
ltrim_self( u32string s ) – Removes any code points found in
s from the beginning of this u32string.
- u32string
rtrim() – Removes whitespace from the end of the u32string,
returning a new u32string.
- u32string&
rtrim_self() – Removes whitespace from the end of this
- u32string&
rtrim_self( u32string s ) – Removes any code points found in
s from the end of this u32string.
- u32string
trim() – Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of the
u32string, returning a new u32string.
- u32string&
trim_self() – Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of
this u32string.
- u32string&
trim_self( u32string s ) – Removes any code points found in
s from the beginning and end of this u32string.
- u32string&
reverse_self() – Reverses the order of the code points in this
- u32string&
toLowerASCII() – All ASCII code points will be converted to
ASCII lower case equivalent values.
- u32string&
toLower( Locale l ) – All code points will be converted to
lower case equivalent values using the rules from the Locale provided.
- u32string&
toUpperASCII() – All ASCII code points will be converted to
ASCII upper case equivalent values.
- u32string&
toUpper( Locale l ) – All code points will be converted to
upper case equivalent values using the rules from the Locale provided.
- bool
u_normalizeNFC() – Applies the NFC (composed) Unicode
normalization. Returns true if the u32string was normalized.
- bool
u_normalizeNFD() – Applies the NFD (decomposed) Unicode
normalization. Returns true if the u32string was normalized.
- string
to_string() – Returns the contents of the u32string encoded as
UTF-8. See
Unicode Utility Methods
- bool
u_isUpperCase( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is an upper case letter character (equivalent
to java.lang.Character.isUpperCase()). Throws exception if index is out of
- bool
u_isLowerCase( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a lower case letter character (equivalent
to java.lang.Character.isLowerCase()). Throws exception if index is out of
- bool
u_isSpace( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a white space character; similar to C/POSIX
isspace(). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isSpaceChar( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a space character (equivalent to
java.lang.Character.isSpaceChar()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isWhitespace( int index ) – Returns true if the code point
at position
index is a white space character (similar to
java.lang.Character.isWhitespace()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isLetter( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a letter character (equivalent to
java.lang.Character.isLetter()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isDigit( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a digit character (equivalent to
java.lang.Character.isDigit()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isLetterOrDigit( int index ) – Returns true if the code
point at position
index is an alphanumeric character (letter or digit)
(equivalent to java.lang.Character.isLetterOrDigit()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isPunctuation( int index ) – Returns true if the code point
index is a punctuation character. Throws exception
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isBMP( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is in the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane.
Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isGraphic( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a "graphic" character (printable, excluding
spaces). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isPrintable( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a printable character. Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isBlank( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is a "blank" or "horizontal space", a
character that visibly separates words on a line. Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- bool
u_isDefined( int index ) – Returns true if the code point at
index is "defined", which usually means it is
assigned a character in Unicode (equivalent to
java.lang.Character.isDefined()). Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- int
u_charType( int index ) – Returns the Unicode general category
of the code point at position
index (equivalent to java.lang.Character.getType()).
Return value can be tested against UnicodeCharTypeConstants. Throws exception
index is out of bounds. See
- int
u_digit( int index, int radix ) – Returns the decimal digit
value of the code point at position
index in the specified radix. Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- void
u_toLower( int index ) – Changes code point at
index to lower case using non-Locale-based Unicode
mapping. Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
- void
u_toUpper( int index ) – Changes code point at
index to upper case using non-Locale-based Unicode
mapping. Throws exception if
index is out of bounds.
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