A set of utility functions for identifying Unicode traits of char32_t
code points.
Unicode Utility Functions
- string
to_string( char32_t c ) – Returns a string containing the code
- bool
u_isUpperCase( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is an upper case letter character (equivalent to
- bool
u_isLowerCase( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a lower case letter character (equivalent to
- bool
u_isSpace( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a white space character; similar to C/POSIX
- bool
u_isSpaceChar( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a space character (equivalent to
- bool
u_isWhitespace( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a white space character (similar to
- bool
u_isLetter( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a letter character (equivalent to
- bool
u_isDigit( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a digit character (equivalent to
- bool
u_isLetterOrDigit( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code
c is an alphanumeric character (letter or digit)
(equivalent to java.lang.Character.isLetterOrDigit()).
- bool
u_isPunctuation( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a punctuation character.
- bool
u_isBMP( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is in the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane.
- bool
u_isGraphic( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a "graphic" character (printable, excluding
- bool
u_isPrintable( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a printable character.
- bool
u_isBlank( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is a "blank" or "horizontal space", a character
that visibly separates words on a line.
- bool
u_isDefined( char32_t c ) – Returns true if the code point
c is "defined", which usually means it is assigned a
character in Unicode (equivalent to java.lang.Character.isDefined()).
- int
u_charType( char32_t c ) – Returns the Unicode general
category of the code point
c (equivalent to java.lang.Character.getType()).
Return value can be tested against UnicodeCharTypeConstants. See
- int
u_digit( char32_t c, int radix ) – Returns the decimal digit
value of the code point
c in the specified radix.
- void
u_toLower( char32_t c ) – Returns the lower case equivalent of
code point
c using non-Locale-based Unicode mapping.
- void
u_toUpper( char32_t c ) – Returns the upper case equivalent of
code point
c using non-Locale-based Unicode mapping.
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