About Configuration Entities

Promotion optionally transfers configuration data or entities to an environment. Configuration data includes notifications, reports, selections for User-type fields, and more.

The following tables show the entities that you can promote with process apps. The scope indicates where the data is contained. The entities that are marked Global are database-specific and apply to all process apps. Application-specific entities are tied to the workflows or projects in an application.

Process App Entities

You can choose to promote the following entities when you promote a process app or snapshot.
Entity Scope Promotion Options
Projects Application-specific All, Selected, or None
Notifications Global and application-specific All, Selected, or None
SLA Definitions Application-specific All, Selected, or None
Notification Rules Global and application-specific All, Referenced, or None
Reports Global and application-specific All, Selected, or None
Auxiliary Table Data Global and application-specific All, Selected, or None
Transition Group Restrictions Application-specific All or None
Work Center Application-specific All, Selected, or None
Mailboxes Global and application-specific All or None
User Field Selections Global and application-specific All or None
E-mail Templates Global All or None
Scheduler Jobs Global and application-specific All or None

Global Entities

You can configure the following entities when you promote the Global Process App or any process app that contains a reference to the global application.
Entity Scope Promotion Options
Groups Global All, Selected, or None
Notifications (associated with global auxiliary tables) Global All, Selected, or None
Notification Rules Global All, Referenced, or None
Reports (associated with global auxiliary tables) Global All, Selected, or None
Folders Global All, Selected, or None
Users Global All, Selected, or None
Auxiliary Table Data Global All, Selected, or None
Teams Global All, Selected, or None
Resources Global All, Selected, or None
Mailboxes Global All or None
User Field Selections (for global auxiliary tables) Global All or None
E-Mail Templates Global All or None
Scheduler Jobs Global All or None
Tip: For customers who used the merge feature in an earlier version of SBM before references were available: When you promote a process app that includes the Global Application, you see Global Entities listed with the other applications in the process app. Otherwise, you must independently promote the Global Process App in order to promote those entities, which include users, groups, and calendars. (For information on moving to the use of references, see the SBM Composer documentation.)

Common Entities

The following entities are automatically included with every promotion.
Entity Scope Promotion Options
Application Groups Application-specific Automatically promoted
Scripts Global and application-specific Automatically promoted
Triggers Global Automatically promoted
Web services Global Automatically promoted
Default Strings and translations for predefined locales Application-specific Automatically promoted
Report filters Application-specific Automatically promoted
External Communication Rules Application-specific Automatically promoted
Custom themes Global Automatically promoted
User settings Global Automatically promoted
Note: When a process app is promoted from one environment to another, default strings and translations that exist for predefined locales are overwritten in the target environment.

Important Considerations

  • Projects are never deleted during promotion. If projects are deleted in a test environment, for example, they are not deleted when the process app is promoted to a production environment. You can manually delete projects later, however.
  • The internal names for states, transitions, and workflows in the promotion payload are always considered primary and will override the internal names of state, transition, or workflow objects in the destination environment if the internal names differ between environments. If a state, transition, or workflow in the promotion payload does not contain an internal name yet, but the analogous object in the target environment already has an internal name, that name is preserved.
  • Translations for fixed length text field values in auxiliary tables are promoted, but primary table field values are not.
  • During promotion, if the internal project name clashes with an existing internal project name, the internal name in the target database is affected in one of two ways:
    • For new projects that are added during promotion, the project name in the target database will be a blank or empty string.
    • For existing projects that are updated during promotion, the project name in the target database remains unchanged. If the internal name in the incoming XML does not conflict with the internal name in the target database, the promoted project's internal name is used.
  • Values for new promotion profiles are set to All by default, except for notification rules, which is set to Referenced by default. However, entities for new items (items added to a process app since the profile was created) will be set to None by default.
  • External communication rules that are promoted will overwrite all rules in the target environment if the Merge Conflicts check box is cleared.

    If Merge Conflicts is selected, the rule name and initial state in the snapshot are compared to those found in the target environment during the promotion. If the rule name or initial state in the snapshot match the name or initial state of a rule in the target environment, the rule in the snapshot is ignored. If a matching rule name or initial state is not found, the new rule is added to the target environment.

Promoting Reports

  • Reports (other than application reports, which are created in SBM Composer) are created, edited, and deleted by users. If you promote the reports in a process app, the reports in the destination environment are overwritten. This means that if a user customized a report in the production environment and an administrator promotes the standard report from a staging environment, the customization will be lost.
  • Reports that are defined in SBM Composer and appear to users as application reports are promoted automatically along with the process app and cannot be individually chosen for or excluded from promotion.
  • Listing reports that include join conditions are not included in promotions if the referenced table is not found in the target environment.
  • Process apps containing custom SLA reports must be promoted twice.

Promoting Auxiliary Table Data

  • The Auxiliary Table Data entity selection has no effect if you did not select any auxiliary tables to include in the New Process App Snapshot dialog box.
  • Carefully consider whether you want to include auxiliary tables containing the File field type—the size of the files or the number of files can cause the snapshot to grow large.

Promoting Users, Groups, and Roles

  • Transition Group Restrictions refers to the feature in SBM Application Administrator that enables administrators to restrict access to specified transitions based on groups.
  • Group membership is promoted only with users. If you promote only groups, user membership in the target environment does not change for those groups.
  • Role assignments are promoted only with projects. If you promote users and groups without projects, the role assignments associated with those users and groups do not change in the target environment, even if they changed in the environment from which you are promoting.
  • Restrictions that are set for Logon As Another User are promoted with users.

Considerations for Fields

  • When the User Field Selections check box is selected during promotion, settings made on user, multi-user, and multi-group fields at the workflow level are promoted from the snapshot to the target environment.
  • Enumeration mappings for User, Folder, and Project fields set for Web service actions in states and transitions in projects are not promoted from one environment to another. You must manually reconfigure these mappings after promotion.

Promoting E-Mail Templates

E-mail templates for the following types of messages can be promoted:
  • Standard notifications: If None is selected for the E-mail Templates entity, no notification templates are promoted.
  • Templates for messages sent from items: These templates are promoted even if None is selected, because their scope is global and they do not have application-specific references.
Template Type Included with Global Process App During Promotion? Included with Process Apps During Promotion? Usage Area
E-mail submission replies No. Yes. Included for mailboxes in the current process app. Mailboxes
Anonymous e-mail submission replies No. Yes. Included for mailboxes in the current process app. Mailboxes
Notification templates Yes. Included for notifications created against auxiliary tables in the global process app. Yes. Included for notifications created against primary and auxiliary tables in the current process app. Notifications
Scheduled reports Yes. Included for scheduled reports created against auxiliary tables in the global process app. Yes. Included for scheduled reports created against primary and auxiliary tables in the current process app. Scheduled report notifications
Registration and password changes Yes. All self-registration and password change templates in the database are included. No. Self-registration, password change requests.
User e-mail templates Yes. All browser e-mail templates in the database are included. No. Used in the send e-mail action from items in the browser.
View sharing alerts Yes. All e-mail templates for sharing views in the database are included. No. Sharing views in Work Center.
Folder sharing alerts Yes. All e-mail templates for sharing folders in the database are included. No. Sharing folders in Work Center.
External communication templates Yes. All browser e-mail templates used for external communication in the database are included. No. Used in the send e-mail action from items in the browser when sending messages to non-SBM users.
  • All e-mail templates that are stored in the database are promoted.
  • If an environment has more than one template with the same name, the notification server will use the first template with that name when a notification is triggered. To prevent the wrong one from being used, make sure that each template you promote has a unique name (for example, give each template an application-specific name).

Promoting Mailboxes

When you promote mailboxes, unique mailboxes are created in the target environment. Existing mailboxes in the target environment are not deleted unless they are replaced by mailboxes with the same name (if the Merge Conflicts check box is not selected).

Promoting Application Groups

Application groups are a bundle of applications that come with a solution, such as Release Control, or that are created by an administrator for use with Work Center.

Application groups are included in each snapshot for referenced applications. For example, if an application group contains Application A, Application B, and Application C, snapshots created each of these applications contain the references for all three applications.

When you promote a snapshot that contains an application group, each application referenced in the group should exist in the environment you are promoting to. Applications that are not in the environment are not listed as part of the application group in Application Administrator or Work Center. If you promote the missing applications, the references in the application group are resolved.

Promoting Work Center Views and Feeds

Shared views (dashboard, activity, calendar, backlog, and Kanban) and public feeds added to those shared views can be promoted with the applications they reference. This can include:

  • Pinned views and reports that you have configured in the Work Center side menu settings for groups, users, and teams
  • Public feeds associated with system views
  • External feeds used in Kanban boards

The shared view owner must exist in both environments.

Note: All public feeds from shared views in the global context (All) are promoted with every snapshot. For example, if you create a public feed in a process app (AppA), and then create a shared Activity view in the global context (All) using this feed, promoting another process app (AppB) causes the feed from AppA to also be promoted. Any feeds created directly in the global context (All) are included as well.

In addition, when you create a snapshot of a process app that belongs to an application group, any feeds from other process apps in that application group are included in the snapshot. Feeds created in the global context (All) are included as well.

The following view and feed entities cannot be promoted:
  • Private views and feeds.
  • Shared views for the global context.

Promoting Scheduler Jobs

Any "Send Email" Scheduler jobs are promoted as part of the Global Process App. All other Scheduler jobs are promoted with the corresponding process app, including: