“From” and “Reply-to” E-mail Options

Use the options on the Settings tab to override system-level options for e-mail replies to messages that are sent from the Notification Server. You can also choose to remove the item link included in e-mails sent by users from their preferred e-mail client.

On-premise can set the system options in the SBM Configurator. These options are pre-set for on-demand customers.

Settings are inherited, enabling you to override them at a parent project, then set additional overrides for child projects.

From and Reply-To Addresses

Field Name Description
From user who runs transition
Inserts the e-mail address of the user who performs a transition in the From: field. For example, if Bill transitions an item that generates a notification, the notification appears with Bill's e-mail address in the From: field. For escalation notifications, the From: field contains the user who triggered the initial notification.
Tip: Select this option to ensure that the From: address contains the user that performed the transition (as opposed to the user who made the last change to an item).
Reply to last modifier

Inserts the e-mail address of the user who last modified the item into the Reply To: field in the message header.

Default reply to address

The default address that is inserted into the Reply To: field in the event there is no "last modifier".

From last modifier
Inserts the e-mail address of the user who last modified the item in the From: field. Note that this address is also used as the default From: address for scheduled report e-mail notifications.
Note: The Default from address specified at the project level in Application Administrator overrides the Default from address that is set in SBM Configurator.
Default from address
The default address that appears in the From: field in the event there is no "last modifier". This also determines the default From: address that is used for scheduled report e-mail notifications. The logic that determines which address to use is as follows:
  • If a From address is set at the project level in Application Administrator, that address is used for any scheduled report notifications that are generated for that project.
  • Otherwise, the default From address in SBM Configurator is used for all scheduled report notifications.
  • Otherwise, the From address that is specified in the scheduled report e-mail template is used.
  • If that value is cleared, the e-mail address of the author of the scheduled report is used.
  • If that is not specified, the value is read from the report_notification.properties file.
Default from address for SLA

The default address that appears in the From: field for SLA notification messages.

Display name in e-mail address for notifications
Includes the user name in the From: field:
From: Bill Admin <bill@company.com>
Otherwise, the From: field only displays the e-mail address:
From: bill@company.com
Show item link in preferred e-mail client

Removes the item link from messages that are sent by users from their preferred e-mail client.

E-mail Recorder

Field Name Description
Enable E-mail Recorder

Clear this check box to turn off the E-mail Recorder feature in the current project. This prevents replies to e-mails and notifications from being logged in the originating item if not necessary in a given project. E-mail Recorder is enabled for every project by default.

Only if "From" matches an SBM user

Select this option to limit the e-mail messages that are attached to items to those sent by users in your system with a matching e-mail address. Clear this option if you are using external communication with non-SBM users.

  • If this option is selected, you must grant users the Add Note privilege for the necessary projects and/or auxiliary tables. Users do not need to be granted Add Note privileges to attach external e-mail messages to items as notes.
  • Clear the check box to allow non-users to attach e-mail messages to items as notes.
  • This option may be useful for tracking correspondence from customers or partners, but use caution because it allows unauthorized users to add e-mail messages as notes to items in your system.

E-mail Templates

Field Name Description
E-mail Templates Enable or disable the templates that are used for sending e-mails from items for this project. User e-mail templates are available for sending messages between SBM users; External communication templates are used for sending messages to non-SBM users that have been added to an item.
For either option, .txt and .htm versions are available.
Note: Your selections will override the default browser e-mail template (which is set in SBM Configurator) and the default external communication template (which is set via the Usage options drop-down list in the E-mails | Templates section of Application Administrator) for this project. If you find that changes to the default templates are not appearing in messages sent from items, review these selections to see if you have overridden the default templates for the project.