Privilege Behavior for System Tables

On-premise customers automatically receive several system auxiliary tables which provide unique features, particularly for users with External User and Occasional User product access. Users with these limited access types can only be granted privileges in specific system tables, and these privileges work in conjunction with other privileges.

For example, external users must be granted the "View Your Contact Information" privilege to see their record in the system Contacts table. You can then grant the "View User Fields" privilege for the Contacts table so they can see fields in that section in their Contact record. Granting only the "View User Fields" privilege to external users for the Contacts table has no effect without also granting the "View Your Contact Information" privilege.

In addition, privileges for the system Contacts table pertain only to records that are associated with user accounts. This setting is located on the General tab when you add or edit a user account.

The following table describes privilege behavior related to system auxiliary tables.

Note: The system behavior discussed in this topic applies only to the Contacts, Companies, Problems, and Resolutions tables that are created by the Create Database Wizard. If you create your own tables called Contacts or use the Problems primary table provided with Service Support Manager, for example, the system behavior does not apply.
Privilege and Location Applicable Tables Notes

View Public Problems and Resolutions (System tab)



Must also grant users a role to view items in specific Knowledge Base folders that do not allow anonymous access. This role is assigned in SBM Work Center.

View Your Contact Information (System tab)


Allows users to view their records in the Contacts table if that record has been associated with the user's account.

Edit Your Contact Information (System tab)


Allows users to modify their records in the Contacts table if that record has been associated with the user's account.

View User Fields (Tables tab)




Users must also be granted the "View Your Contact Information" privilege before these privilege take effect for the Contacts table.

Users must also be granted the "View Public Problems and Resolutions" privilege before these privileges take effect for the Problems and Resolutions tables.

View Attachments on Any Item (Tables tab)




View Notes on Any Item (Tables tab)




View Item If Contact (Item tab)

Any Primary Table

Relational fields based on the system Contacts and Companies tables must be added to the application for which privileges are being granted.

When granted these privileges, users can see items if they are selected in the Contacts fields or if the company associated with their Contacts record is selected in the Company field.

View Item If Contact's Company (Item tab)

Any Primary Table