Process for Adding Resources

You can choose one of three methods to add resources to your system:

  1. Import resources from a spreadsheet. This is useful if you want to export resource information from an identity store, such as LDAP. You can then import that information into a spreadsheet, quickly modify information for resource team assignments, skills and job functions, and more, before you import the spreadsheet into SBM. For details, refer to Importing and Exporting Resources.
  2. Add multiple resources based on SBM user accounts. For details, refer to Adding Multiple Resources from SBM User Accounts.
  3. Manually add resources, following the steps in the following section.

Regardless of the method you select, you should first create business calendars that reflect the working hours of your different resources. For example, you may have separate calendars for employees based in different countries so you can track holidays. For information about using calendars with resources, refer to About Working Hours, Capacity, and Scheduling.

Steps for Manually Creating Resources

Use these steps to manually add resources to Application Administrator.

  1. Create business calendars that reflect the working hours of your resources. For details, refer to Calendars.
  2. Create business units that reflect specific business functions in your company. Examples are "Sales" or "Research and Development". For details, refer to The Business Units View.
  3. Create departments that belong to each of your business units. Examples are "Inside Sales" or "Software Development". For details, refer to The Departments View.
  4. Create job functions that reflect the positions that resources hold in your organization. Examples are "Manager" or "Web Developer." For details, refer to The Job Functions View.
  5. Create skills that reflect the expertise of individual resources. Examples are "Java" or "Web Services." For details, refer to The Skills View.
  6. Create title groups for your organization. Examples are "Front Line Managers" or "Executives". For details, refer to The Title Groups View.
  7. Create types for your resources. Examples are "Full Time", "Part Time", or "Contractor". For details, refer to The Types View.
  8. Create resource teams to group sets of resources. Examples are "US IT Operations" or "Web Development." For details, refer to The Resource Teams View.
  9. Create resources, assign them to resource teams, and assign attributes to each resource. For details, refer to The Resources View.
  10. Edit the resource teams, and set start and end dates and shared percentages for each member. You can also specify one resource as the team lead.

For example, you could create a resource record for SBM user Bill, who is responsible for Web development, as follows:

Resource Attribute Value
Business Unit Research and Development
Department Software Development
Job Function Web Developer
Skills HTML, Web services
Title Group Developers
Type Full Time