General Settings → Mail Services → About the Notification Server
The Notification Server generates e-mail notifications based on events or conditions that occur in the system. The Notification Server is also used for the following features:
In addition to e-mail messages that are sent when a specific event occurs in the system, the Notification Server is used to send e-mail messages directly from SBM items. This is useful when users need to communicate with one another about a particular item in the system. Additionally, by configuring the E-mail Recorder feature, e-mail conversations can be logged in the Notes section of an SBM item.
Instead of sending an e-mail message when a particular event occurs, a notification can add or remove an item from a folder in SBM. You configure this type of action on particular notifications in the SBM Application Administrator.
Instead of sending an e-mail message when a particular event occurs, a notification can execute a Web service call or invoke a script in SBM. You configure this type of action on particular notifications in the SBM Application Administrator.
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