Setting up the Development Environment

To create applications that interact with the SBM Web services, you can enable WS-Security in Visual Studio .NET, and then set up Web service stub files.

Using WS-Security with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

WS-Security (Web Services Security) authentication ensures the identity, integrity, and security of a SOAP message by creating a security token in the SOAP header. The SBM credentials are passed as a username token and a Base64-encoded password.

To implement WS-Security:

  1. Download the appropriate version of Microsoft Web Service Enhancements (WSE) from here.
  2. After installing the WSE, open your solution in Visual Studio .NET.
  3. Right-click your project and select WSE Settings.
  4. Select the Enable this project for Web Services Enhancements check box.
  5. Add a Username token that contains the plain text user ID and the Base64-encoded password to the SOAP header.

You can now start building applications using the SBM Web services with WS-Security.

Setting Up Web Service Stub Files

To access the SBM Web services from Visual Studio .NET, you must add references to the WSDL files. When you do this, Visual Studio creates stub classes that your application can use to access the Web service methods. You can create these stub classes for Visual Basic or C#.

Once you have created the stub files, you can update them to use the client protocol provided by the WSE.

To set up the Web service stub files:

  1. In Visual Studio .NET, create or open a project.
  2. Select Project | Add Web Reference.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL for either of the SBM Web services in the URL field:
    • http://serverName:aePort/gsoap/sbmappservices72.wsdl
    • http://serverName:aePort/gsoap/sbmadminservices72.wsdl
  4. Enter a name in the Web reference name field. This name will be used in your code to refer to the web reference.
    Tip: The sample programs discussed Sample Programs use aeweb as the web reference name.
  5. Click Add Reference.