Validating a Process App

Before a process app can be published or deployed to Application Repository or exported to a file, it must pass validation. As you work with your process app, you can validate as you work to catch potential problems.

To validate the open process app:

In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Validate.

Details about the validation are displayed in the Validation Results. You can use the filtering options at the bottom to choose which types of message you want to view. (See Limiting Validation Results.)

By default, the name of any design element that contains errors appears in red in App Explorer. You can disable this feature or change the color on the General tab of the SBM Composer Options.

Note: To optimize performance, the validation checks only those scripts that changed or were added since the process app was last validated. (See Troubleshooting Scripts for information about handling validation errors.)

Here are some typical situations that generate error and warning validation messages:

Related Topics

Using the Validation Results

Limiting Validation Results

Debugging With Error and Warning Validation Messages

Determining the Cause of Failed Deployments