Actions Tab of the State and Transition Property Editor

Element Description
Actions Lists actions defined for the selected state or transition.
Tip: To the extent possible, actions are performed in the order in which they are listed here. Select actions and use Move up and Move down to change that order.
New Opens the Action Wizard to create a new action.
Edit, View Opens the selected action for modification in the Action Wizard.
Note: If the workflow containing this state or transition is not checked out, this button is labeled View, and you cannot change the action definition.
Delete Removes the selected action.
Move up, Move down Cause the selected action to be performed earlier or later.
  • Some action types (such as pre- and post-state Web service calls) are order-dependent. For those types, these controls are unavailable.
  • When there are multiple asynchronous orchestration actions on the same transition, only one event of each event type is raised. Events start orchestration workflows that will run simultaneously depending on available resources, so the ordering of event actions on the Actions tab has no effect on the execution order of the orchestration workflows. See Considerations for Using Actions for details.
Show action summaries Displays textual summaries of the actions.

Related Topics

Using the Property Editors

Using the Action Wizard