Columns Tab of the Form and Control Property Editor

Use this tab to manipulate the columns in the selected form, container control, header, footer, or sidebar.
Element Description
Type Select Fixed, Percentage, or AutoSize.
Note: For responsive forms, the type is specified as Responsive Block and cannot be changed.

For fixed columns, type the number of pixels.

For percentage columns, type the percentage of total width you want this column to occupy. Other columns are adjusted as needed for a total of 100%.

For autosize columns, the width is irrelevant and cannot be set.

For mixed (autosize and percentage) columns, the label portion is wide enough to accommodate the longest label, and the field portion is allocated by percentage.

Note: For responsive forms, the width is specified as 12 and cannot be changed.
Note: For container controls on modern forms, if you specify a fixed width, a scroll bar will automatically appear if the content does not fit in the allotted space.
Add column left/right Adds a column to the left or right of the selected cell.
Delete column Deletes the entire column containing the selected cell.

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