Compare Menu

The following comparison commands are available from the File menu.

With Local File

The With Local File command opens the Compare Process App dialog box, in which you select a process app stored in the file system of your computer to compare to the open process app. Use the comparison to determine the modifications that would be required to change from the open process app to the process app you selected for comparison.

With Published Process App

The With Published Process App command opens the Select Published Process App dialog box, in which you select a process app stored in the repository to compare to the open process app. Use the comparison to determine the modifications that would be required to change from the open process app to the process app you selected for comparison.

With Recently Compared Local File

The With Recently Compared Local File command compares with the last comparison process app that is stored on your computer. This is the last process app that was compared to any process app (not just to the open process app).

For more information about the comparison commands, see the following topics:

Comparing and Merging Process Apps

Compare Process Apps Mode

Select Published Process App Dialog Box