Navigating SBM Composer → Using the App Explorer
The App Explorer enables you to navigate an open process app by expanding and collapsing the nodes in the list. The process app itself is at the top of the list, followed by application references, applications, and orchestrations. Each application and orchestration is further divided into forms, tables, roles, and other design elements they include.
Note the following as you navigate the App Explorer:
Expand and collapse headings by clicking + and –.
Use the filter buttons at the bottom of App Explorer—Workflow Design, Data Design, Security, and so on—to view only a few of the headings at a time. Click the All Items button to view all the headings again.
Click the arrows at the bottom right of App Explorer to show more or fewer buttons.
To change the alphabetical sorting of the design elements within a heading, right-click the header, select Sort, and then select Ascending or Descending.
To reorder the design elements within a heading, right-click the design element and then click Move Up or Move Down.
An asterisk (*) marks each design element that you changed since the element was checked in to the repository. Elements that appear in yellow (or orange) denote warnings that were detected.
When you click a heading in the App Explorer, its elements are listed in the editor pane to the right. When you click the name of an element in App Explorer, or double-click it in the list to the right, it is displayed in the Using the Editor Pane.
Design elements in referenced applications are read-only. If you need to modify them, click the yellow alert bar at the top of the applicable editor pane to open the related process app.
If the icon for a design element has a red bookmark over it, the design element is mandatory and cannot be modified or deleted.
For information about moving and hiding App Explorer, see Working with Panels.
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