Personalizing Work Center → Customizing Your Menus
Default menu items are provided in the side menu for All and each application and application group. For All, the default menu items are:
You can add favorite views and reports to your menus for easy access. As you do so, menu items are organized by category.
Click the arrow to collapse the side menu. You can still access your views and reports from the collapsed view.
Menu changes are personal and are not visible to other users.
You can reorder views and reports for each category by dragging and dropping items directly in the side menu. You cannot drag views and reports into unrelated categories. For example, you cannot move a report to the Dashboards category.
You can remove items you have added to the side menu by dragging and dropping an item outside of the side menu. You cannot remove the default menu items, such as My Activity, or menu items that are automatically added when an administrator shares a view with you. These items are indicated by a lock when you hover over the menu item.
After you run a view or report, you can also click the star icon to remove the view or report from your side menu.
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