

The Transition type holds the name and other information about a transition in SBM. The Transition type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
transition TransitionIdentifier Holds identification information for a transition.
fromState StateIdentifier The state from which the transition begins.
toState StateIdentifier The state to which the transition moves or ends.
type Transition-Type The type of transition.
project ProjectIdentifier For a TRANSITION_POST type of transition, this indicates the project into which the item is to be submitted.
transitionAttributes string The list of transition attributes associated with this transition.


The Transition type completely describes an available transition or transitions on an item in SBM. Use GetAvailableTransitions to retrieve a list of transitions available for a specified item.

The transitionAttributes argument is optional and is only used as another means to describe the transition. A transition attribute is typically associated with unique enabler license - integration transitions.


The following XML snippet shows the Transition type in the return element of the GetAvailableTransitions response.

      <ae:transition xsi:type="ae:TransitionIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Post Issue</ae:displayName>
      <ae:fromState xsi:type="ae:StateIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Evaluating Issue</ae:displayName>
      <ae:toState xsi:type="ae:StateIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Fixing Issue</ae:displayName>
      <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Animation Pro</ae:displayName>
         <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project||Base IDT Project||
         Software Development||Animation Pro</ae:fullyQualifiedName>