

The ReportResult type contains the actual item data returned in a report. The ReportResult type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
itemURL string This is the URL for the item returned in the report results.
item ItemIdentifier The item described in the report.
fieldValue FieldWithValue Holds the field type and field value for each field returned in the report results.


The ReportResult is sent back in response to RunReport. ReportResult contains the URL for each item returned by the report. You can pre-pend http://serverName/workcenter/ to the itemURL contents and view the item. For every column defined in the report, the field type and field value are returned as well in the fieldValue element.


The following XML snippet shows ReportResult in the return element of the RunReport response.

   <ae:item xsi:type="ae:ItemIdentifier">
   <ae:fieldValue xsi:type="ae:FieldWithValue">
      <ae:field xsi:type="ae:FieldIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Item Id</ae:displayName>
   <ae:fieldValue xsi:type="ae:FieldWithValue">
      <ae:field xsi:type="ae:FieldIdentifier">
         <ae:displayValue>Scanner feature is not working correctly</ae:displayValue>
         <ae:internalValue>Scanner feature is not working correctly</ae:internalValue>