

The RoleIdentifier type holds the identification information for a role. The RoleIdentifier type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
identifier Extension. See Identifier. Generic identification extension base. Holds the displayName, id, and uuid for a role.
projectId ProjectIdentifier Holds the identification information for a project.


The RoleIdentifier is the identifier that can be used in Web service methods to uniquely identify a role. The RoleIdentifier contains the generic information about a role (including the display name, ID, and UUID) in addition to the associated project.

Note: You can send any one of the elements in the identifier—you do not need to provide values for every element. You only need to provide more than one element in the event that the first element does not uniquely identify the object.


The following XML shows RoleIdentifier as seen in a typical call.

        <urn:displayName>IDM Administrator</urn:displayName>
            <urn:displayName>IDM Project</urn:displayName>