Before You Begin

Before you install and use the SBM Application Engine Web Services API, review the following.

System Requirements

The SBM Application Engine Web Services API is supported on Windows operating systems with the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server. For the specific versions that are supported, refer to the SBM Release Notes.


Use of the SBM Application Engine Web Services API consumes a license. If a user has already checked out a license, an additional license is not checked out for use of the Web services. If the user logs out, but a Web service continues to run for that user, a license is not checked out while the Web service runs.

The license timeout for a Web service call is the same as the timeout that occurs after a user logs out of Work Center. This applies to scheduled reports, because they are executed using a Web service call.

Note: This timeout does not apply to the following calls, because they do not consume a license when executed:
  • sbmappservices72, sbmadminservices72, aewebservices71, aewebservices70:
    • GetUserPrivileges
    • GetUser
    • IsUserValid
    • Logout
  • sbmappservices72:
    • GetWorkflows
    • GetSolutions
    • GetApplications
    • GetFieldSelections
    • GetNoteLoggerInfo


The SBM Application Engine Web Services API supports the use of HTTPS to connect from the client. Use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is recommended for any customers connecting to their Web services server in a non-secure environment. Using SSL prevents credentials from being extracted from the messages that are sent. IIS should be configured to allow or require SSL to connect to the Web services.

For information on setting up SSL, see the IIS documentation.


SBM supports the following authentication types: