Applications → Managing Workflows → About Application Workflows → About the Relationships Bar
The Relationships bar provides visibility into design elements, such as forms, that an application workflow uses. This lets you easily understand and explore the relationship between the states and transitions in the workflow and the related design elements.
When you select a design element in the Relationships bar, the transitions or states that use the design element are highlighted in the application workflow. Likewise, when you select a transition or state in the application workflow, the referenced design elements are highlighted in the Relationships bar.
For example, suppose you want to see which forms are used for states and transitions in the workflow. You can click the Forms accordion in the Relationships bar, and an icon for each form appears. If you select a form in the Relationships bar, the states and transitions that use the form are highlighted in the application workflow.
You can double-click an icon in the Relationships bar to open the editor and Property Editor for the design element and make changes. Quick forms are an exception to this, because they cannot be modified.
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