Navigating SBM Composer → Navigating SBM Composer
SBM Composer is organized to help you quickly design process apps. Use the App Explorer to open design elements in a visual editor. The quick access toolbar makes commonly used commands readily available, while the Ribbon displays tabs with options and commands that vary according to the task you are performing. Right-click (context) menus provide access to commands as you need them.
The following figure shows SBM Composer as it looks with a checked-out process app open. Use the legend and reference links to learn about interface elements identified in the figure.
Use File options to manage process app files, set options, and exit SBM Composer. Depending on your theme settings, these options are available in the upper left corner from the File tab, the Composer Start button, or a drop-down menu. (File Options)
Contains commonly used commands, such as undo, redo, save, and validate. (Quick Access Tool Bar)
Provides a central location for the commands you use to perform design tasks. The Ribbon contains commands appropriate to the design element you are editing and is organized into task-specific tabs:
The Home tab is selected when SBM Composer is first opened. It contains common commands that are available in all of the editors.
The Deployment tab is always visible. It contains common commands related to validation, publishing, and deployment.
The Design tab is visible when you open a workflow or form. Its contents vary depending on the design element being edited.
The Appearance tab is visible when you customize the appearance of an annotation or a swimlane.
The Script tab appears is visible when you add or edit a script.
Navigate design elements in an open process app. (App Explorer)
Select elements from the App Explorer to open them in the Editor, which is the main work area. (Editor)
Contains design artifacts related to the element in the Editor. You can drag and drop design artifacts into the editor. (Palette)
Set properties for the selected design element. (Property Editor)
Drag the rectangle to move to a different part of the form or workflow. Use the slider bar below the zoom preview to change the size of the rectangle, so that more or less of the form or workflow is visible in the editor pane.
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