Selecting the Timing

On this screen, specify the timing of the action.

Action Type Timing
Orchestration workflow ("wait for reply [synchronous]") After: Invokes the orchestration workflow on exit from the selected state or after the selected transition is executed.

Before: Invokes the orchestration workflow on entry to the selected state or before the selected transition is executed.

Script After: Runs the script on exit from the selected state or after the selected transition is executed.

Before: Runs the script on entry to the selected state or before the selected transition is executed.

Web Service After: Invokes the Web service method on exit from the selected state or after the selected transition is executed.

Before: Invokes the Web service method on entry to the selected state or before the selected transition occurs.

Note: For a transition or state, you can define only one After and one Before action. If you defined one or the other for the selected state or transition, that choice is disabled. Click the disabled choice to see where it is used.

Related Topics

Selecting the Action Type

Selecting the Affected Item

Selecting the Condition

Selecting the Action

Selecting the External Event

Using Actions