VarRecord QuickTransition() Method

(SBM On-Premise/PaaS only) Identical to FinishTransition() except that StartTransition() is not required.

Function Signature

 bool QuickTransition( trans [, bool stealLock ] [, signedUserID, signedUserPwd ] )


Parameter Type Description
trans Variant Can be transition ID, 0 (will use default Update transition for item), transition UUID, or transition internal name.
stealLock bool If true, any item lock on this item will be stolen by this transition. If it was locked, the user who had the item locked (in transition) will not be able to complete their transition. Does not guarantee that the transition succeeds, as scripts can steal locks from each other.
signedUserID string Optional. Provides the user name portion of the signature if the transition requires a user's signature.
signedUserPwd string Optional, required if signedUserID is provided. Provides the password portion of the signature if the transition requires a user's signature.


Type Description
bool Returns true if transition completed successfully. If false, use Shell.GetLastErrorMessage() for more information.

Technical Details

SBM ModScript version: 11.3.


var varRecord = Ext.CreateVarRecord( tableId );
var read =  varRecord.Read( itemTitle );
if ( !varRecord.QuickTransition( transitionId, true, "userName", "userPass" )){
  // write an error to Active Diagnostics
  ADLog.Message( __FILE__, __LINE__, ADLogLevelConstants.ERROR, 
    "QuickTransition failed:\n" + Shell.GetLastErrorMessage() );


All field value changes must be in place on the item first.

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