
(SBM On-Premise/PaaS only) Releases a mutex-lock acquired by the current script.

Function Signature

 bool Ext.ReleaseLock()


Parameter Type Description



Type Description


Returns true if the lock was released successfully. Returns false if the lock was not released.

Technical Details

SBM ModScript version: 11.3.


Every call to Ext.AcquireLock() must eventually be followed by a call to Ext.ReleaseLock(). Statements between these two calls are executed by at most one concurrent script at a time. If a script terminates without releasing an acquired lock, the SBM ModScript system automatically releases it so concurrent scripts do not halt indefinitely. For details on acquiring locks, refer to Ext.AcquireLock(). For details on determining if a concurrent script is available to be acquired, refer to Ext.LockIsAvailable().

Related Topics

Extension Functions