Single Relational Fields

Relational fields are used to establish relationships between data in primary and auxiliary tables. Single Relational fields allow users to select a single item from a primary or auxiliary table as a value for the field.

For example, you could create a relationship in a primary table used to track defects to knowledge base articles in the Problems table. While users are entering information about a defect, they could select a problem record that is stored in the Problems table. This enables users to see information in the Problems table while they are working with items in the primary table.

Single Relational fields are defined in SBM Composer. Use the Manage Data feature in Application Administrator to add values for Single Relational fields based on auxiliary tables. Values for Single Relational fields based on primary tables are created by users as they submit items into projects.

The following overrides and configuration tasks are performed in Application Administrator:
Note: Default values for Single Relational fields in auxiliary tables are set in SBM System Administrator.

The Allow Override check box is automatically selected when you modify attributes and value and display options when you are adding or editing a project.


You can override the following Single Relational field attributes for default fields in projects and transition fields. Attributes set for fields in the Default Fields list apply to all transitions; attributes set for fields for a transition apply only to that transition.

Display Options

You can override the following display options for default fields in projects and transitions fields:


The field's default value, if applicable, is selected. You can change this value as needed. Possible default values are determined by the active records in the relational field table listed on the General page for the field. For example, if the relational field table is a Customers table, possible default values are customer records in the table.

Transition Actions

The following options are available for fields when you are editing a transition and enable you to control field values for the transition. For example, you may want to clear an existing value for a required field when a transition is executed, forcing users to provide a new value. These options apply to all field types for transitions.
  • Leave Value Unchanged

    Select to retain the field's current value when the transition is complete.

  • Clear Value

    Select to clear the field's current value.

  • Set Value to Default Value

    Select to use a default value for the field as the user executes the transition. You can then select a default value.