Working with Items → Working with Primary and Auxiliary Items → Sending E-mail Messages from SBM → Using E-mail Recorder
E-mail Recorder automatically attaches e-mail messages sent from external e-mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes, as notes to SBM items. The E-mail Recorder also attaches replies to these messages to SBM primary and auxiliary items, enabling you to record e-mail discussions about SBM items.
The E-mail Recorder allows you to:
Click the Preferred E-mail Client link when you send an e-mail from an SBM primary or auxiliary item. A new message dialog box from the external e-mail client opens, allowing you to send a message pertaining to the item to both SBM users and nonβSBM users.
Reply to e-mail messages sent through the E-mail Recorder and have your replies attached to SBM items as notes. To ensure that e-mail replies are attached to an item, select the Reply to All option when you respond to a message sent through the E-mail Recorder.
Consider the following information before using the E-mail Recorder:
You can send messages regarding items to users who do not have an SBM account. These users can read the information in the e-mail message, but they cannot access the related SBM item.
Your administrator determines whether or not replies from users who do not have SBM accounts are added as notes to items. If they are attached, the notes are shows as from an "unknown user."
E-mail messages are attached to items in the order in which they are received.
The E-mail Recorder attaches replies sent from e-mail notifications to the item to which they pertain. By default, the To box contains the name of the POP3 or IMAP mailbox designated for the E-mail Recorder and the subject line contains the identifier [ttid: table ID,record ID]. The reply is attached to the relevant SBM items only if the mailbox name and the identifier are left intact. The identifier can be specified in either the subject or body of the reply.
By default, e-mail messages sent using an external e-mail client are set as restricted, meaning that only users who have privileges to view notes for an item can view the attached e-mail. To set an e-mail message sent from an external e-mail client as "unrestricted," edit the e-mail message after it is attached to the item as a note and select the Unrestricted check box on the Add/Modify Note dialog box. This enables those who can view the item to view the attached e-mail messages.
The aliases specified in the E-mail Aliases box in your user profile authorize messages you send from an external e-mail client as those coming from a valid SBM user. For details, refer to Setting General Options.
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