Using Reports → About Reports → Report Overview → System Reports
System reports offer information about administrative aspects, such as fields, user privileges, group membership, user activity, and more. System reports are not customizable and cannot be deleted, nor can new System reports be created.
The following System reports are available:
Active Users — Displays the number of users who have actively used the system in the last 12 months. An active user is defined as any user who has created or updated a report or submitted, transitioned, updated, or deleted an item. Given an Active Users as of Date value, the report returns each month from the past 12 months and the number of active users for each month. You can either manually enter a date or use the calendar to select a date, and then click Run Report to execute the report. If no date is provided, the report will use the current date. The results display the month, Full User Count, Occasional User Count, and External User Count for that month, and the month-to-month aggregate for each type of user.
Current User Activity — Provides information about user activity, such as the login IDs of users who are logged in to SBM, how long they have been logged in, the IP address for logged in users, and the IP address of the Web server to which they are connected.
Group Membership — Provides a list of the members of the selected group or groups, including deleted users. Includes access level (Privilege Category), last login date, creation date, telephone number, and e-mail address for each listed user. Also includes a Memo column.
Item Locks — Provides a list of items that are locked by users who are updating or transitioning them. You can limit the report to item locks in specific tables. The tables that can be selected from the list have been enabled for record locking by your administrator. The report displays the title of the locked item, the user holding the lock, and the amount of time remaining on the lock. Item locks can be manually cleared in SBM Application Administrator.
Privileges — Provides a list of privileges for the selected users and groups. A check mark indicates that a privilege is granted to the user or group. You can limit the report to display privileges for a specific project or public or Knowledge Base folder.
Project Fields — Displays fields for selected project transitions. View selected field properties, such as the section in which a field resides, the name of the field and its data type, whether or not the field is required or read only, and the field default value. If you do not select a project and you click the Run Report button, the report is generated for all projects.
Requests Monitor — Displays a list of currently running reports. For each report, the list shows the owner, type, name, URL, status, start time, and duration. Click the Cancel link to cancel any report you executed, or if you have the appropriate privileges, you can also cancel reports executed by other users.
SLA Items Panel — Displays a list of items that are currently associated with an SLA. For each item, the report shows the item ID, title, owner, associated SLA, item status, start date and estimated end date for when the item entered the start state and end state as defined in the SLA, actual date for when the item entered the end state, elapsed time since the item entered the start state, type of SLA, and SLA clause that applies to the item. From this list, if you have the appropriate privileges, you can remove SLAs from items by selecting the items and clicking Delete All Marked. To remove SLAs from all items that are currently displayed by the project filter, click Delete All Filtered.
Users – Displays a list of all users in the system, their assigned product-access level (Privilege Category), the date on which they last logged in to SBM, the date their account was created, their telephone number and e-mail address, and any memo text supplied with their account by your administrator.
Workflow Fields — Displays fields for the selected workflow's transitions. View selected field properties, such as the section in which a field resides, the name of the field and its data type, whether or not the field is required or read only, and the field's default value.
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