

The ItemChangeHistoryHolder type holds the change history for an item. The ItemChangeHistoryHolder type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
item ItemIdentifier The item that was queried.
queryRange QueryRange Specifies the number of change history records that are returned.
changeAction ItemChangeAction Holds the change history for an item.
status Status

Holds status information for any messages or failures that are encountered.


The ItemChangeHistoryHolder type is returned in response to a GetItemsChangeHistory call. ItemChangeHistoryHolder provides complete change history information for both primary and auxiliary items. See GetItemsChangeHistory for more information.

The totalCount member of the queryRange parameter that is returned is equal to the size of whole result set of unfiltered item change actions; this is equivalent to zeroed or missing startIndex and fetchSize parameters.


The following XML snippet shows the ItemChangeHistoryHolder type in the GetItemsChangeHistory response.

               <ae:displayName>Status Log</ae:displayName>
02/19/2009 11:53:35 AM  -  Laura Engineer:
Checked in code to address.

03/04/2009 02:23:53 PM  -  Rhadika Tester:
System is still crashing.

07/17/2018 10:20:09 AM  -  Administrator:
Additional code was checked in to fix this issue.