SBM AppScript Reference → Welcome to SBM AppScript
This document describes SBM AppScript for Solutions Business Manager. SBM AppScript is modeled after VBScript 4.0 and contains extensions to support SBM.
This guide describes how to write and implement SBM AppScripts.
This guide is intended for VBScript programmers who wish to use SBM AppScript to implement custom features in SBM.
Users should also be familiar with administering SBM and with the SBM database schema document, which is available at
This guide is organized as follows:
Introduction to SBM AppScript – An overview of the scripting language used by SBM AppScript and describes the eight SBM AppScript contexts available in SBM. Elements of VBScript 4.0 that are not supported in SBM AppScript are also discussed.
Programming SBM AppScript – Detailed information about all SBM AppScript elements, including Shell properties, "Ext" functions, and object types.
Additional SBM AppScript Features – Provides instructions for calling functions in a DLL from SBM AppScript and for including scripts within scripts.
SBM AppScript Samples – Contains script samples for reading from and writing to fields, launching a .bat file, and performing a URL title search.
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