Transitions Tab of the State Property Editor

This tab is available when you select a non-system state in the workflow editor.
You can define multiple transitions for a state. When you select a state in an application workflow or sub-workflow, you can do the following:
  • Modify the order of its transitions. This order determines the sequence in which standard transition buttons will be displayed in the button bar on the form for the state.
    Note: Transitions are listed in descending order. That is, transitions that appear first on the form appear higher in the list.
  • For certain states, exclude the transition button for a transition on the Any system state. (For information about this system state, see System-Provided States.)
Element Description
Transitions Lists the transitions defined for the selected state. Transition details are displayed. Such details include the target state, the status of the transition, and for sub-workflows, the parent workflow.
Note: On quick forms, transitions are listed in descending order. That is, transitions that are displayed first on the form appear higher in the list.
  • To change the transition order, use Move up and Move down.
  • To change the status of a transition in a workflow, click the status and then select Enabled or Disabled. For transition in a sub-workflow, select Enabled, Disabled, Inherited (Enabled), or Inherited (Disabled).
  • To exclude a transition button for an enabled transition on the Any system state, click the status and then select Excluded for this state.
    Note: You cannot change the Excluded for this state status in an inherited state in a sub-workflow. However, if the status in the parent workflow is Inherited (Enabled), you can change it to Excluded for this state in a sub-workflow.
Move up Raises the order of the selected transition.
Move down Lowers the order of the selected transition.
Hide disabled transitions Hides the transitions whose status is Disabled.
Show transition summaries Describes what the transition does when it is executed. For example, "show transition quick form, and transition to Assigned state."
Limit button bar to n buttons Enables you to show a specified number of transitions as buttons and hide the rest in a drop-down list.

Related Topics

Using the Property Editors

System-Provided States