Navigating SBM Composer → Working with Panels
You can close, hide, and move panels such as Property Editors, palettes, the Validation Results, the Common Log Viewer, the Activity Log, and App Explorer.
To close a panel, click the
button at the top right
To hide a panel, click the
button at the top
right corner. The panel is hidden but a tab-like label remains visible.
To restore a hidden panel, hover over the tab-like label until the
panel appears, and then click the
button at the top
right corner.
To move a panel, drag it and drop it on the new location.
To dock a panel in another location, drag it over one of the arrow
icons, such as this one
. A blue area that
represents the target location appears. When you find the target location you
want, drop the panel on it.
To restore a panel to its default location, double-click its title bar.
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