Applications → Using Actions → Using the Action Wizard → Selecting the Action Type
On this screen, select the type of action that should be performed for the selected state or transition. For states and transitions, you can select a "wait for reply (synchronous)" orchestration workflow, script, transition, or Web service. For transitions, you can also select a "continue executing (asynchronous)" orchestration workflow or a trigger.
Action Type | Description |
Orchestration Workflow | The orchestration workflow that should be
invoked as a result of this action. For transitions, you can also specify
whether the
application workflow should continue processing as
soon as the selected orchestration workflow is invoked ("continue executing
[asynchronous]"), or wait for a reply from the orchestration workflow before
continuing ("wait for reply [synchronous]"). For asynchronous workflows, you
can also specify whether the workflow uses the local event or an external
event definition.
For states, the application workflow always waits for a reply from the selected orchestration workflow before processing continues. |
Script | The defined script that should be executed as a result of this action. |
Transition | The transition that should be executed as a result of this action. Some combination of Regular, Copy, Post, and Subtask transitions will be available, depending on the affected items you select later in the Action Wizard. |
Trigger | The trigger that should be executed as a result of this action. Triggers can only be executed for transitions. |
Web Service | The defined Web service that should be invoked as a result of this action. |
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