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SBM 11.4 Release Notes
This file contains known issues and other important information for Solutions Business Manager (SBM). This file also contains information that might not be available in other SBM documentation. Last updated on 2018-06-20.


About this Release

SBM 11.4 is the version that immediately follows SBM 11.3.1. All of the features, changes, and fixes that were made in SBM 11.3.1 can be found in SBM 11.4. SBM 11.4 supports new installations—you do not need to install a previous version of SBM before installing this version.

If this is a new installation, download SBM from the Support and Services page, and then follow the instructions in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide, which is available on the Documentation Center.

Important Notes

Note the following important information about this release:

  • SBM has been rebranded—Serena Business Manager (SBM) is now Solutions Business Manager (SBM). Serena Work Center is now SBM Work Center. A new logo appears in both SBM Work Center and SBM User Workspace.
  • SBM 11.4 requires License Manager 2.2. You must upgrade to version 2.2 before you upgrade SBM.
  • Solution releases prior to and including Service Manager / Request Center 5.2 and Release Control 6.0 will not run properly on SBM 11.4 and these versions are not supported.

    You will need to upgrade each solution to newer, compatible versions before you can use them.

  • SBM is now certified against Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Note that SBM requires that both IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are present on each server, though IPv4 can be disabled.
  • This release also addresses the following potential security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-7679 (Remote Code Execution), CVE-2018-7680 (Reflected cross-site scripting), CVE-2018-7681 (Persistent cross site scripting), CVE-2018-7682 (Cross-site request forgery), CVE-2018-7683 (Sensitive information might be leaked in server log files). For more information, please refer to the MITE website (http://cve.mitre.org/cve/search_cve_list.html) or the SBM 11.4 Security Bulletin (available here). Special thanks goes to Alessio Sergi of Verizon Enterprise Solutions for responsibly disclosing these CVEs.
  • SBM 11.4 is available in U.S. English only.

Supported Upgrade Paths

Upgrades to SBM 11.4 are only supported from SBM 10.1.5.X or higher. Refer to the following list for guidance on upgrading from your current version.

  • Upgrading from 11.X or later

    If you are upgrading from 11.X or later, refer to Upgrades from 11.X.

  • Upgrading from 10.1.5.X

    If you are upgrading from any version in the 10.1.5.X line, refer to Upgrades from 10.1.X.

  • Upgrading from versions of SBM prior to 10.1.5.X

    If you are upgrading from 10.1.X, upgrade to 10.1.5.X first, and then upgrade to 11.4.

    If you are upgrading from 2009 R4, you can upgrade to any version between 10.1.5.X and before you upgrade to 11.4. Use the upgrade instructions in the corresponding readme for the first upgrade, and then upgrade to 11.4 using the instructions in either Upgrades from 10.1.X or Upgrades from 11.X, depending on the version you have after the last upgrade.

    If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2009 R4, contact Support to obtain the SBM installer, and then follow the upgrade instructions in solution S138037 to upgrade to After you successfully upgrade to, you can upgrade to SBM 11.4 using the instructions in Upgrades from 10.1.X.

  • Upgrading from TeamTrack 6.6.1.X

    If you are upgrading from TeamTrack 6.6.1.X, follow the instructions in the Moving to SBM guide (available in the SBM Documentation Set.zip on the Documentation Center) to upgrade to SBM first (which you can obtain from Support). In addition refer to solution S137372 to learn about the upgrade preparation utility. After you have upgraded TeamTrack to SBM, follow the instructions in Upgrades from 10.1.X to upgrade to SBM 11.4.

  • Upgrading from Tracker

    For information on migrating your Tracker data to SBM, refer to the "Migrating Tracker Data to SBM" solution (S138468).

Build Numbers

The following component build numbers apply to this version:

  • SBM User Workspace and SBM Work Center: (Build 728)
  • SBM Composer: 11.4 (Build 0352)
  • SBM System Administrator and SBM Application Administrator: (Build 728)
  • SBM Application Repository: (Build 578)
  • SBM Configurator:
  • Database version: 1140000059
  • Documentation: English – 11.4 | Japanese – 2009 R4.01 (translated content applies to SBM 2009 R4.01)

Contact Us

For specific product issues, contact Support at https://www.microfocus.com/support-and-services/#SBM.

Additional technical information or advice is available from several sources:

What's New

The following features have been added in this release.

New SBM Application Administrator User Interface

The SBM Application Administrator user interface has been updated and improved. The new interface leverages HTML5 functionality that results in an improved user experience for administrators.

Functionality remains largely the same, with notable changes listed below:

  • Improved navigation—the categories that appear on the portal page are now always accessible throughout Application Administrator via the top toolbar.
  • Direct access to SBM Analytics and Runtime Statistics from the portal page (under More).
  • Projects are displayed in a tree view for easier access.
  • Fewer clicks—you can now click on a project or user name to view details instead of selecting an entry and then clicking Details.
  • Updated color scheme and modern styles.

New Scheduler Feature in Application Administrator

The new Scheduler feature enables administrators to schedule jobs to be performed on a specific date and time; on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis; or on an advanced recurring basis via a cron expression. The available jobs that you can schedule include:

  • Run Script – Runs an SBM ModScript or SBM AppScript
  • Run Web Service – Runs an Application Engine Web service
  • Send Email – Sends an e-mail that you draft
  • Call REST – Executes a REST service call using a data source defined in SBM Composer
  • Raise Event – Executes an orchestration workflow by raising an event

Show/Hide Work Center Side Menu Categories

Administrators can now specify which categories are displayed or hidden in the Work Center side menu for users. Administrators can set this globally via Work Center Settings in Application Administrator and override the global setting for users and groups individually. Users with the Modify Side Menu Category Visibility privilege can manage which categories appear in their side menus via the Side Menu Categories option under Settings in Work Center.

Improved Runtime Statistics

Several new report types have been added to the Runtime Statistics page in Application Administrator. These new reports provide usage statistics for Applications, Orchestrations, and Reports for a given time period including:

  • Total application access count, total application usage duration, and total application access count by distinct user.
  • Which applications have the highest access count or usage duration.
  • Which products have the highest orchestration execution count or execution duration.
  • Which orchestrations have the highest orchestration execution count or execution duration.
  • Which applications have the highest report run count or report duration.
  • Which reports have the highest run count or duration.
  • Which users have the highest application access count, orchestration execution count, or report run count.
  • Which users are responsible for the most application usage duration, orchestration execution duration, or report duration.

Custom Forms for Anonymous Submit

You can now specify a custom form for anonymous submit on the Forms tab of the workflow Property Editor. This enables you to use features such as form actions and JavaScript to make your form more interoperable.

As with quick forms, anonymous users can only view fields in the Standard Fields section. They can add file and URL attachments and notes to items while they are submitting them. After they submit an item, however, they can no longer view it or any other part of SBM.

Work Center Search Settings

Users can now select which work item fields are displayed in Work Center search results. Users can select these fields by clicking the new Settings button on the search page or from the Search tab in the User Settings menu.

Option to Promote Work Center Shared Views

When promoting process apps, you can now choose to include or exclude Work Center shared views (dashboard, activity, calendar, backlog, and Kanban) and their associated public feeds. In previous releases, these views and feeds were automatically promoted.

Call SBM ModScript from an Orchestration

You can use the new RunModScript call (available in sbmappservices72) from a Service step in an orchestration to execute SBM ModScript. This enables the Orchestration Engine to invoke external commands via the command-line. For example, in SBM Composer you can add a ModScript that runs a batch file, and then call it from a Service step in your orchestration.

Additional Changes

End-user Changes

SBM Work Center Changes

  • Archived Items Search

    Users can now search for archived items by changing the Work Center search context to Archive.

  • Search for Accepted Items and Candidates in Backlog Views

    Users can now search for specific items by ID, Title, or Description in the Accepted and Candidates lists in a Backlog view.

  • Appears on Searches for this Table

    When Appears on Searches for this Table is selected on a field in SBM Composer, the field is added to the Work Center search index, which enables uses to search for work items using values in the field.

SBM User Workspace Changes

  • Spell Check Removed

    The spell check feature that was previously available when HTML5 features were disabled in SBM has been removed. In its place, users can take advantage of the native spell check features that are provided by the modern browsers that are supported with SBM.

Reporting Changes

Report Improvements

  • Report Names Used for Exported Excel File Names

    When you export a report to Microsoft Excel, the default file name is now the report name, with underscores (_) replacing any invalid characters (/ \ ? * " : < > |). In previous releases, the exported file name was always tmtrack.xlsx.

  • Option to Display Graphical Reports as 3D

    When you create a Distribution, Duration, or Trend report, you can now specify the report to be displayed as 3D. By default, the report is displayed as 2D.

  • Support for Multi- Fields in Advanced Distribution Reports

    You can now display Multi-Selection, Multi-Relational, and Multi-User fields in Advanced Distribution reports. These field types are available in the Group Rows by field on the Content tab of the report.

  • Improvements in Advanced Reports
    • The field options described in TS_FIELDS.TS_OPTIONS are now available for use in the XML <field> definition in Advanced Reports. This includes the ability to render HTML in text memo fields.
    • Support for Multi-User and Binary/Trinary field types has been added.

    For details on creating Advanced Reports, see solution S141342.

Administrator Changes

SBM Application Administrator Changes

  • Global Link Type for Notifications

    In Application Administrator, administrators can now globally define the link type that appears in all notifications. This makes it easier to update the link type that appears in your existing notifications if the majority of your users are switching from SBM User Workspace to SBM Work Center.

    Note: You can override this setting by editing a notification and changing the Link Type value there. However, if you set overrides on specific notifications and you set a value (or confirm a value) in the global Link Type field, it is applied to all notifications, including those that were overridden. Therefore, use caution when applying the global link type.
  • Filter Notifications by SLA Only

    You can now filter the list of notifications by those used only in SLAs.

  • Setting for the Default From Address for Scheduled Reports

    In Application Administrator, you can now set the default From address for scheduled report notifications in the Default from address field under Projects | Settings. If a value is not set at the project level, the Default from address value in the Notification Server options in SBM Configurator is used instead.

  • Map Passwords when Importing Users from a File

    You can now map a column in your spreadsheet to the user Password field to set passwords for your users during an import or update.

    You can also map a separate column in the spreadsheet to User: Is password persistent to indicate whether the password is temporary or not using one of the following flags: TRUE/FALSE, yes/no, 1/0. For example, for each row with a TRUE value, a fixed password is set for each user; for each row with a FALSE value, a temporary password is set for each user. If the User: Is password persistent attribute is blank or absent, the password expires after the user's first login.

  • New External URL Template Tag for Scheduled Reports

    If an Address for external links is specified in the Notification Server settings in SBM Configurator, an external link is now sent with the scheduled report in addition to the internal link (just like a regular notification). The external link appears as long as the scheduled report e-mail templates (sr_scheduled_reports.txt and sr_scheduled_reports.htm) contain the new $REPORT_URL_EXTERNAL() template tag.

    This tag is automatically inserted into the scheduled report e-mail templates for new SBM installations. For upgrading customers, you must manually add this tag to your scheduled report e-mail templates to see the external link.

  • Runtime Statistics Changes
    • The System Analytics link has been removed from Work Center. Administrators can now access runtime statistics for SBM via the Runtime Statistics link on the Application Administrator portal page (under More).
    • The Application Usage report has been deprecated. Instead, you can now track application usage via the new report types on the Applications tab.
      Note: To view the deprecated Application Usage report, follow the steps in solution S142441 to enable access via SBM Configurator.
  • System Analytics Changes
    • The System Analytics link has been removed from Work Center. Administrators can now access real-time monitoring features via the System Analytics link on the Application Administrator portal page (under More).
    • The following monitoring capabilities have been added for SBM Application Engine servers: Default AppPool CPU usage and memory usage; gsoap_pool CPU usage and memory usage; SBM free disk space; Windows CPU usage, Windows free memory, and Windows memory usage.
    • In System Analytics, you can now monitor the record count for both the Common Log (CL_LOG) and Event Log (EL_EVENT) tables in the database and have the system notify you when the count grows beyond an acceptable range. This helps avoid potential issues related to performance and disk space.
    • In System Analytics, you can now have graphs on the Run-Time Resources tab use a fixed scale for the y-axis. This enables you to easily view and compare graphs side-by-side.
    • You can now use the Clear History option to remove all failure history entries or entries that meet certain criteria.

SBM Application Repository Changes

  • Additional Options for Managing the Event Log

    Options similar to those for managing the Common Log have been added for the Event Log. When you click Purge History, you can now clear history before a certain date, schedule history clearing, or cancel scheduled activities for all environments.

  • Delete Prior Versions of a Process App by Date

    Under Process Apps | Versions, you can now click Remove all eligible versions and select a new option that enables you to delete all versions of a process app that were created prior to a specified date.

SBM System Administrator Changes

  • Auto Folder Items Disabled for New Installations

    The Auto Folder Items option is now disabled by default for new installations. For SBM upgrades, this option is also disabled for new users.

    To enable this option, in SBM System Administrator, click the Settings icon and then select the Database tab.

  • Changes to Generic Data Imports When Using Unique Character Identifiers
    • The Additional Data Options dialog box is now available when using a unique character identifier for importing data from a generic ODBC database.
    • When using a unique character identifier, you can now choose to continue the import if duplicate character identifiers are detected.
    • You can now map a text field that is used as the unique character identifier to multiple SBM destination fields.
  • Web Services Invocation Timeout Removed

    This option was removed from SBM System Administrator because the same option is available on the Performance tab in SBM Configurator.

  • Database Lock Option Removed

    This option was removed from SBM System Administrator because this feature only applied to TeamTrack databases using the deployment feature.

Installation and Configuration Changes

SBM Configurator Changes

  • Settings for Minimum and Maximum Tomcat Memory Size

    You can now use the Minimum and Maximum memory size fields on the Tomcat Server tab to control Tomcat memory utilization on your current server. For example, you might increase the Maximum memory size setting for SBM Tomcat in the event you are seeing out-of-memory errors in the tomcat.log file.

  • Enable/Disable Specific SSL/TLS Protocols

    On the Security | Secure SBM tab, you can now select specific versions of SSL/TLS protocols to use with SBM. Use caution, however, as older versions contain known security vulnerabilities that could expose your system to malicious attacks. Do not enable legacy protocols unless absolutely necessary.

  • Proxy Server Changes

    On the Proxy Server tab, you now specify a single proxy server host and connection information for both HTTP and HTTPS connections. In addition, each SBM server that is defined on the Component Servers tab is automatically added to the list of host names that can skip connection to the proxy server. You can now manage the list of SBM hosts and non-SBM hosts that can skip proxy connections via separate lists.

  • New Static Diagnostic Test

    You can now run a static diagnostic test to verify that the current Smart Search index files correspond to the Application Engine database that is currently in use. A 1:1 relationship must exist between the current index and the Application Engine database.

  • Active Diagnostic Logs Option with Collect Log Files

    You can now choose to include or exclude log files for Active Diagnostics when you use the Collect Log Files feature in SBM Configurator.

  • Send Test E-mail

    You can now send a test e-mail message to verify your mail server connection after you configure Notification Server settings.

  • New SAML2 Service Provider Authentication Settings

    When you configure authentication settings for an external identity provider and you select the option to use a SAML2 service provider, the following options are now available:

    • Force authentication

      This option instructs the identity provider to force re-authentication on every call from SBM. If force authentication is supported by your SAML2 identity provider, you can use this option to ensure that sessions are not inadvertently expired.

      Note: If your identity provider is configured to use an auto-login mechanism such as NTLM, the session is automatically re-authenticated and valid for an additional time period according to the identity provider. However, if the identity provider uses a login form to gather credentials, this option will force users to reenter their credentials as soon as their SSO token expires.
    • Maximum authentication age

      Use this option to set the default tolerance period for the SAML2 authentication statement. This helps prevent login issues related to stale authentication statements. Enter the maximum number of seconds that the identity provider allows for its authentication statements.

    • Response Skew

      Use this option to set the maximum tolerance for clock differences between the identity provider clock and the service provider clock.

    • Import From URL

      You can now import the identity provider metadata via a URL.

  • Real-Time Monitoring Change

    The Real-Time Monitoring tab name in SBM Configurator has been changed to System Analytics for consistency with SBM Application Administrator. The System Analytics page appears in Application Administrator when you enable System Analytics in SBM Configurator on the server that hosts SBM Common Services. You must enable System Analytics in SBM Configurator on a server-by-server basis to monitor additional SBM servers.

  • Performance Settings Changes

    You now configure the Application Engine Web services invocation timeout exclusively on the Performance tab in SBM Configurator. This option is now independent from the throttling settings for Application Engine Web services.

    For orchestrations, you can now configure orchestration timeouts and throttling settings independently. In addition, you can now configure the following Orchestration Engine settings directly on the Performance tab in SBM Configurator:

    • Web services invocation timeout – The amount of time SBM Orchestration Engine should wait for an external Web service response for a call initiated from an orchestration.
    • Orchestration execution timeout – The maximum time for BPEL process execution (for synchronous and asynchronous orchestrations).

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Locale-Specific Start of the Week

    For new installations, the start of the week that is used in calendar reports, date picker popups, and date/time keywords is now determined by the user's locale. For upgrades from earlier versions of SBM, the day that is used for the start of the week is unchanged—the default is Sunday. After the upgrade, users can change to a locale-specific start of the week by editing the Locale settings in their user profiles.

  • HTML5 Support Enabled on Upgrade

    The HTML5 Support option in Application Administrator is now automatically selected on upgrade. This means if you were not using HTML5 features in SBM prior to the upgrade, they will be available to your users by default after the upgrade is finished. For details on HTML5 features in SBM, refer to the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

    If you need to disable HTML5 support, edit the Base Project in Application Administrator and clear the Enable HTML5 Features check box. However, note that disabling HTML5 is not recommended, as future enhancements and non-critical fixes will be focused on SBM with HTML5 enabled.

SBM Composer Changes

  • Where Used Enhancement

    When you perform a "Where Used" search, you can now find where multiple items of the same design element type are used throughout an application. The results are provided for each item, along with the number of times an item is used. This enables you to easily delete items that have zero occurrences.

  • Export and Import Form Actions

    You can now reuse a form action by exporting it to an .xml file and importing it into any other form. This enables you to easily reuse a form action across multiple applications and process apps. The export and import functionality is available on the Actions tab of the form Property Editor.

  • Override Rich Text or Plain Text in Custom Popups

    By default, text fields referenced by custom popups will render as plain text or rich text according to how the Enable Rich Text option is set in the field Property Editor. You can now override this behavior by specifying the option html=1 (or yes or true) to render fields as rich text or html=0 (or no or false) to render fields as plain text. For the list of options, refer to solution S142150.

  • Hide Deleted Fields in Table Editor

    You can now hide deleted fields in the table editor. Right-click any field and then deselect the Deleted Fields menu option. This setting is applied globally.

  • Previous Search Strings Saved for All Find Dialog Boxes

    All Find dialog boxes in SBM Composer now save up to 20 previous search strings in a drop-down list. These strings are preserved in the registry so they are remembered when SBM Composer is closed and reopened.

  • Action Summaries on the State and Transition Property Editor

    The Actions tab of the state and transition Property Editor can now display textual summaries of the actions. Select the Show action summaries check box at the bottom of the tab.

  • Copy URL to Clipboard Available on Submit Forms

    Submit forms now include the Copy URL to Clipboard link in the Actions drop-down list. This enables users to bookmark a submit form in their Web browser. To hide this link, uncheck the related option on the Tool Bar tab of the form Property Editor.

  • Add to Folder Available on Form Property Editor

    The Add to Folder link, which appears in the Actions drop-down list on state forms and submit forms, is now a standard option on the Tool Bar tab of the form Property Editor.

  • Option to Display Dual Lists Vertically

    For "Multi" field types, you now have the option to display dual lists vertically instead of horizontally. This option applies only when HTML5 is enabled in SBM Application Administrator.

  • Display Internal or Database Names in Property Editor

    You can now specify how the names in the Property Editor design element list are displayed. For tables, you can choose between the name and the database name, and for workflows, states, and transitions, you can choose between the name and the internal name.

  • Compare and Copy Field Values in Form Actions

    Form actions now support field-to-field comparisons and assignments. Field comparisons enable you to define different behaviors if the values of fields match. Field assignments enable users to copy the contents of one field to another, saving time and preventing repetition.

  • Validate Script Deprecation in 32-Bit Version of SBM Composer

    The ability to validate scripts in the 32-bit version of SBM Composer has been deprecated in this release.

  • Include Field in Keyword Searches Option for File Fields

    The Include field in keyword searches option for File fields has been added back to SBM Composer. Use this option to control whether a File field is indexed by the Work Center search engine. If this option is enabled, the keyword search will search the field label, filename, and file content.

    • If you enable this option and deploy a process app, any new entries that are added to the File field are automatically indexed and included in Work Center search results.
    • For process apps that were deployed prior to the upgrade, indexing is not enabled for File fields unless you select the Include field in keyword searches option and redeploy your process apps. After all items are re-indexed (which occurs during a midnight check), they can be searched by the File field.
    Note: In Service Request Center (version 5.3 and later), the File field "Public Attachments" was previously indexed by default, enabling Knowledgebase articles to be searched by the content of this field. In this release, indexing is disabled for File fields of the already deployed application "SRC - Knowledge Management". To be able to search for articles by content in the "Public Attachments" field, you must enable Include field in keyword searches for this field and redeploy "SRC - Knowledge Management". After the midnight check and re-indexing, articles can once again be searched by this field.

Orchestration Changes

  • New -useEnvEndpoints Option for -redeploy Command

    You can now use the -useEnvEndpoints option with the -redeploy command in the event that endpoints were manually changed in Application Repository after the last deploy.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • SBM ModScript Changes

    The following functions and improvements have been made to SBM ModScript:

    • ADLog – A class for logging to Active Diagnostics.
    • AppDb.ReadDynaSQL() – Reads multiple rows of a set of columns from the database, filling the Vector "out".
    • Ext.SetContentType() – Sets the content type HTTP header for the output from a URL Direct access.
    • ExitScript() – Provides a graceful way of exiting the script.
    • TimePoint – A class that provides a breakdown of a point in time based on a time zone.
    • TimeT.ToTimePoint() – Resolves date into a TimePoint that represents year/month/day/etc. based on the specified TimeZone.
    • TimeT.FormatDateText() – Formats a date into a human-readable string using custom formats.
    • TimeT.ParseDateText() – Parses a human-readable date string into a TimeT using custom date formats.
    • TimeTNow() – Returns a TimeT set to current time.
    • TimeT.TruncateToDateOnly() – Rounds date down to midnight UTC.
    • TimeMillis – New class for interacting with time in milliseconds.
    • Locale.GetDayOfWeekName() – Returns Locale-correct name for a day of the week.
    • Locale.GetMonthName() – Returns Locale-correct name for a month.
    • Locale.GetAMPMName() – Returns Locale-correct name for AM or PM.
    • Added math functions including abs() (absolute value), cos(), sin(), tan(), floor(), and ceil().
    • Added to_int(), to_double(), to_int64_t(), etc. to Variant.
    • RESTDataSource.UseSBMProxy() – By default, RESTDataSource calls go through the SBMProxy. This enables features such as OAUTH2 authentication. However, if desired, SBMProxy can be bypassed via UseSBMProxy( false ).
    • TempFile – A class that creates a temporary file that exists for the scope of the object.
    • Extended the RESTDataSource flexibility: custom headers, URL path parameters, custom REST HTTP verbs.
    • Removed requirement for using Variant from most functions. For instance, see AppRecord.GetFieldValue().

    New to SBM ModScript? Visit https://www.serenacentral.com/blogs/entry/sbm-modscript-part-1 to learn more.

  • Delete Orphaned Scheduled Reports Records from the Database

    You can now use the cleanupScheduledReports renew utility command to delete entries in the TS_NOTIFICATIONEVENTS table that do not have a related entry in the TS_NOTIFICATIONS table and vice versa.

  • Restart Search Index Update without Restarting Tomcat

    You can now use the restartSSFIndexUpdate renew utility command to restart the Work Center search index update process without having to stop and start SBM Tomcat.

  • Script Validation Improvements in Composer

    Functions and variables that have not been declared (or are misspelled) are now reported as warnings when you validate a ModScript.

  • $NOTES() Notification Template Tag Now Includes Images

    The $NOTES tag now shows images when it is included in notification emails, just like $FIELDVALUE and $FIELDS.

  • New Shell Parameter for $LINK() and $MOBILELINK() Template Tags

    The $LINK and $MOBILELINK tags now provide a shell parameter that enables you to specify which interface should be opened when an item link is clicked in an e-mail. For example, you can specify $LINK(swc, TRUE, Click here) to insert a hyperlink that will open the item in SBM Work Center.

Web Services Changes

  • New RunModScript Call

    You can now specify an SBM ModScript to execute using the RunModScript call in sbmappservices72.

Documentation Changes

  • The Application Administrator help is now hosted on the Documentation Center and not installed on the Application Engine server. If your administrators are not able to access the Documentation Center and you need to install the Application Administrator help locally, see solution S140937.

Upgrades from 11.X

Review this section for upgrades to SBM 11.4 from earlier versions in the 11.x line. If you are upgrading from 10.1.X, refer to Upgrades from 10.1.X.

To test the upgrade, mimic your current installation on a separate set of servers. This test installation should include all of the environments used by your system. Upgrade and test this installation before upgrading your production installation. To upgrade successfully, you must upgrade each server and client machine to SBM 11.4.

Requirements and Changes

Before you upgrade to SBM 11.4, read the following important information:

  • The HTML5 Support option in Application Administrator is now automatically selected on upgrade. This means if you were not using HTML5 features in SBM prior to the upgrade, they will be available to your users by default after the upgrade is finished. For details on HTML5 features in SBM, see the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

    If you need to disable HTML5 support, edit the Base Project in Application Administrator and clear the Enable HTML5 Features check box. However, note that disabling HTML5 is not recommended, as future enhancements and non-critical fixes will be focused on SBM with HTML5 enabled.

  • If you have defined custom authenticators and identity transformers for SBM in the configuration.xml file, each entry is preserved after upgrade and should appear in SBM Configurator as long as they are defined in the correct section of the configuration.xml file. If you have mistakenly placed authenticators outside of the correct sections in this file, your custom authentication settings will not be preserved. Therefore as a precaution, if you have defined custom authenticators, back up your current configuration.xml file before you perform the upgrade. You can refer to this file to rebuild your custom authenticators in SBM Configurator after the upgrade is finished if necessary.
  • If you used HTTP Basic Authentication to manage user sessions prior to the upgrade, SBM Configurator automatically converts this to SSO once the upgrade is finished. The HTTP Basic Authentication option has been deprecated and is no longer available in SBM Configurator because there are more secure options for managing user sessions.

    Electronic signatures are now authenticated according to what is selected for Web services authentication in SBM Configurator if you are using Windows Authentication or Third-Party Authentication System for Browser authentication. Prior to 11.1, electronic signatures were always authenticated against the internal SBM database.

    If you need assistance with re-enabling legacy behavior for either setting, please contact Support.

  • In order to prevent notifications from being sent for changes that have not happened recently, SBM now deletes notification events that are older than 90 days that contain a THREADID during the database upgrade. To check if you have events that will be deleted, refer to the SQL queries in solution S140945.
  • Work Center search operates on pre-built indices that may change for each SBM release. The Work Center search index is rebuilt when Tomcat is started for the first time after the upgrade. The complete indexing operation can take ample time to finish for very large databases; however, some search results in Work Center begin to appear immediately and the number of results continues to grow while the initial indexing operation works toward completion.

    You can view the overall progress of the indexing operation in the ssf.log file located on the server that hosts SBM Common Services. The log file is located here:

  • For SQL Server systems, ensure that SQL Server Replication is not enabled. If replication is enabled, the upgrade process fails with an error: Cannot drop the table 'TS_XXXX' because it is being used for replication.
  • For Oracle systems, note the following:
    • You must ensure that the required roles and privileges for the SBM schema user are up-to-date. Refer to solution S133641 for details.
    • You must perform the database upgrade using either the SBM DSN or a system DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver. If your system used the Mashup2009 DSN prior to the upgrade, that DSN is automatically converted to use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver.

Planning for the Upgrade

The upgrade process you will follow depends on the type of installation you currently have:

  • Single Server Installation – All of the SBM components are installed on a single server.

    For single server installations, you will run the suite installer on your server and then upgrade the databases using SBM Configurator.

  • Distributed Installation – The SBM components are installed on multiple servers that comprise a single production environment.

    For distributed installations, you will run the suite installer on each server, and then use SBM Configurator to upgrade the databases.

  • Multi-environment installation – The SBM components are installed on single or multiple servers that are separated into multiple SBM environments (such as development, test, and production).

    The process for upgrading multiple environments (used in a path to production model) depends on which environment hosts SBM Application Repository and which environment you plan to upgrade first (Test/Staging first or Production first).

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of the Test environment and you plan to upgrade Test first

      In this setup, each environment uses a single instance of Application Repository that is installed in the Test environment. You will upgrade the Application Engine and Orchestration Engine databases in the Test environment first. After the upgrade in Test is finished, you will not be able to deploy to Production from Application Repository until you upgrade the Production servers and databases.

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of the Production environment and you plan to upgrade Test first

      In this setup, each environment uses a single instance of Application Repository that is installed in the Production environment. You will upgrade the Application Engine and Orchestration Engine databases in the Test environment first. After the upgrade in Test is finished, you will not be able to deploy to Test from Application Repository until you upgrade the Production servers and databases.

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of either Production OR Test and you plan to upgrade all environments at the same time

      If you plan to upgrade all environments at the same time (one immediately after the other), upgrade the instance that hosts Application Repository first (likely Production). This will allow you to upgrade the other environments that do not have SBM Application Repository without installing a temporary instance.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Follow these steps before you perform the upgrade.

  1. Verify that SBM 11.X or later is installed on the System Information tab in SBM Configurator.
  2. Back up your existing databases.
  3. Back up the SBM installation directory structure on the Application Engine server.
  4. Back up the Smart Search index directory on the SBM Common Services server. If you need to revert the upgrade for any reason, you will restore the index from this backup (because the index is rebuilt as part of the upgrade).
  5. Consider consulting with your DBA to assess the current table indexes in the SBM databases. Because significant database schema changes do not necessarily coincide with each database upgrade, table indexes are not automatically rebuilt as part of the upgrade process. Over time, indexes can report excessive fragmentation, which could negatively impact performance if they are not rebuilt periodically.
  6. Create a new database space in your DBMS to host the Configuration Settings database if you did not create it in a prior release. As of SBM 10.1.5, you can use this database to store configuration settings across your entire SBM installation in one centralized location.
  7. Stop the IIS and SBM Tomcat services on each SBM server.
  8. Download the new suite and client installers from the Support and Services page.

Upgrading the Installation and Databases

Follow these steps to upgrade an SBM server.
  1. Extract the server installation files, and then launch the suite installer. An installer message prompts you to confirm that you are upgrading your system. Click Next to continue.
  2. The Ready to Upgrade dialog box appears. Click Upgrade Now to begin upgrading the server installation. At the end of the installation upgrade, click Configure to launch SBM Configurator.
    Note: If you are prompted to restart your server, SBM Configurator launches automatically once the server has restarted. If you decline, you will not be able to run SBM Configurator until the server has been restarted.
  3. Decide if you will use the Configuration Settings database if you have not done so already. If you have a distributed installation, it is highly recommended that you use the Configuration Settings database, because it enables you to easily synchronize configuration settings between each SBM server without requiring you to export and import configuration snapshot files.

    On the Database Servers tab, enter database connection information for the Configuration Settings database that you created as part of the pre-upgrade process.

  4. Verify your configuration settings, and then click Apply. SBM Configurator detects the current upgrade process and upgrades the file system by merging existing configurations from your previous installation into the new installation files.
    Important: You must click Apply to save these changes before you upgrade the database. Once the file system is upgraded, you can run SBM Configurator again anytime thereafter to verify or modify your configuration settings as needed.
  5. Open the Database Servers tab in SBM Configurator, and then click Upgrade Database.
    Tip: If any errors occur during the Application Engine database upgrade, review the upgrade log here:
    installDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\log

    If an ORA-00904 message appears in the Application Engine upgrade log after you finish upgrading the Application Engine database, refer to solution S141358 for a description of the problem and a resolution.

    After the database is upgraded successfully, verify that the services are started in the Manage Services tab. Instruct Application Repository users to clear the cache in their Web browsers before they attempt to access SBM Application Repository.

  6. On each client machine, run the client installer. The client executable contains SBM Composer and is intended to be run only on client machines. Previous versions of SBM Composer are upgraded automatically and do not need to be uninstalled prior to upgrading. The new version is installed in the same location.

Post-Upgrade Tasks

Review the following information and make any necessary changes after you have upgraded your servers and databases:

  • SBM Configurator warns you if your installation currently uses default certificates (which should be replaced) or if your current certificates will expire soon.
    Important: To properly secure your installation, you must generate new key pairs even if you do not plan to use SSO. If you do not generate new key pairs, the default certificates that the STS inherently trusts are used. To increase security, launch SBM Configurator and generate new unique certificate for all components. For details, see "Securing SBM" in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • For systems that are configured to use client certificate authentication, you must perform additional configuration steps after the upgrade or disable the feature entirely. For details, refer to the entry about client certificate authentication in Installation and Configuration Issues.
  • HTML rendering and Rich Text editing is enabled by default for all notes in your system after the upgrade. To disable these features for notes, clear the Render HTML in Notes check box located on the HTML tab of the Settings dialog box in SBM System Administrator.
  • User credentials in SBM Application Engine Web service calls that use Basic authentication are now handled exclusively by SBM Application Engine itself, instead of IIS. This configuration is common if your SBM system is set up with NT Challenge Response for end-user authentication. After upgrade, this means that you must now specify the Windows domain for Web service calls in SBM Configurator, otherwise the domain that the IIS server machine is installed on is used for user validation.
  • The Require appended text option, available for Journal fields on the Attributes tab (field Property Editor) and the Field Overrides tab (workflow Property Editor) now works as intended. When the Required and Require appended text options are selected, users must append text to the field during a transition. When only Required is selected, users do not need to append text if there is an existing entry.

    In past releases, selecting only the Required option would require users to append text to an existing entry. Now, the Require appended text option must also be selected to require users to append text.

Upgrading Customizations and Integrations

Review the following information for help with upgrading custom changes and integrations.

  • If you made custom modifications to any HTML templates, e-mail templates, or online help files, you must merge your changes into the newly-upgraded files, and then use SBM System Administrator to Put Files in Database. All templates and images in the database are replaced by files on your local machine as part of this operation. Backup templates are stored on the installDir\SBM\Application Engine server here:

    installDir\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\Backup<version>-<date>-<time>
    Note: For a list of configuration Files, Web Interface templates, JavaScript files, and strings that have changed in this release, refer to solution S142555. You must manually merge some of your existing SSO customizations into the newly installed files after you upgrade your software and database.
  • If you installed the TT4ZMF integration prior to upgrading, you must follow the instructions in the TT4ZMF readme to reinstall the integration after the SBM upgrade is complete.
  • If you configured your system to use anonymous events prior to the upgrade, you must either add credentials to your events (preferred) or you must select the Allow Anonymous Events check box in SBM Configurator and enter an SBM user name and password to use anonymous events after the upgrade.

Upgrades from 10.1.X

Review this section for upgrades to SBM 11.4 from versions in the 10.1.X line. If you are upgrading from 11.0 or higher, refer to Upgrades from 11.X.

To test the upgrade, mimic your current installation on a separate set of servers. This test installation should include all of the environments used by your system. Upgrade and test this installation before upgrading your production installation. To upgrade successfully, you must upgrade each server and client machine to SBM 11.4.

Requirements and Changes

Before you upgrade to SBM 11.4, read the following important information:

  • SBM 11.4 requires License Manager 2.2. You must upgrade to version 2.2 before you can upgrade to SBM 11.4.
  • SBM 11.4 requires 64-bit Windows servers. If you are using 32-bit servers prior to the upgrade, you must install SBM 11.4 on one or more 64-bit machines, and then upgrade the databases using the 64-bit installation. As part of the upgrade, review and upgrade any scripts and APIs that were originally created on a 32-bit operating system to ensure that they also run on a 64-bit system. For example, if you have any scripts that load .dll files, those .dll files must be upgraded to run on a 64-bit machine.
  • The HTML5 Support option in Application Administrator is now automatically selected on upgrade. This means if you were not using HTML5 features in SBM prior to the upgrade, they will be available to your users by default after the upgrade is finished. For details on HTML5 features in SBM, see the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

    If you need to disable HTML5 support, edit the Base Project in Application Administrator and clear the Enable HTML5 Features check box. However, note that disabling HTML5 is not recommended, as future enhancements and non-critical fixes will be focused on SBM with HTML5 enabled.

  • If you have defined custom authenticators and identity transformers for SBM in the configuration.xml file, each entry is preserved after upgrade and should appear in SBM Configurator as long as they are defined in the correct section of the configuration.xml file. If you have mistakenly placed authenticators outside of the correct sections in this file, your custom authentication settings will not be preserved. Therefore as a precaution, if you have defined custom authenticators, back up your current configuration.xml file before you perform the upgrade. You can refer to this file to rebuild your custom authenticators in SBM Configurator after the upgrade is finished if necessary.
  • If you used HTTP Basic Authentication to manage user sessions prior to the upgrade, SBM Configurator automatically converts this to SSO once the upgrade is finished. The HTTP Basic Authentication option has been deprecated and is no longer available in SBM Configurator because there are more secure options for managing user sessions.

    Electronic signatures are now authenticated according to what is selected for Web services authentication in SBM Configurator if you are using Windows Authentication or Third-Party Authentication System for Browser authentication. Prior to 11.1, electronic signatures were always authenticated against the internal SBM database.

    If you need assistance with re-enabling legacy behavior for either setting, please contact Support.

  • In order to prevent notifications from being sent for changes that have not happened recently, SBM now deletes notification events that are older than 90 days that contain a THREADID during the database upgrade. To check if you have events that will be deleted, refer to the SQL queries in solution S140945.
  • Work Center search operates on pre-built indices that may change for each SBM release. The Work Center search index is rebuilt when Tomcat is started for the first time after the upgrade. The complete indexing operation can take ample time to finish for very large databases; however, some search results in Work Center begin to appear immediately and the number of results continues to grow while the initial indexing operation works toward completion.

    You can view the overall progress of the indexing operation in the ssf.log file located on the server that hosts SBM Common Services. The log file is located here:

  • For upgrades from 10.1.X, as part of the database upgrade and migration to the new ODE BPEL engine, data in the CL_CONTEXT_VALUE and CL_LOG tables is deleted. New indexes are added to the CL_CONTEXT_VALUE and CL_LOG tables on upgrade to prevent time outs from occurring when you try to view Common Log data in SBM Composer or SBM Application Repository. In order to add the new indexes, these tables will be emptied during the upgrade process.
    Important: If you need to view Common Log data that was present prior to the upgrade, ensure that you have backed up these tables.
  • For SQL Server systems, ensure that SQL Server Replication is not enabled. If replication is enabled, the upgrade process fails with an error: Cannot drop the table 'TS_XXXX' because it is being used for replication.
  • For Oracle systems, note the following:
    • You must ensure that the required roles and privileges for the SBM schema user are up-to-date. Refer to solution S133641 for details.
    • You must perform the database upgrade using either the SBM DSN or a system DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver. If your system used the Mashup2009 DSN prior to the upgrade, that DSN is automatically converted to use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver.
      Important: The underlying driver in the DSN that ships with SBM was changed in SBM in 10.1. If you currently use the Mashup2009 DSN with SBM, you do not need to do anything—the DSN will be updated automatically. If you created your own custom DSN with the "Oracle for SBM" driver prior to upgrading to SBM 10.1 or later, then you must recreate the DSN and use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver that ships with SBM after the upgrade is finished.

Planning for the Upgrade

The upgrade process you will follow depends on the type of installation you currently have:

  • Single Server Installation — All of the SBM components are installed on a single server.

    For single server installations, you will run the suite installer on your server and then upgrade the databases using SBM Configurator. The databases are upgraded in two phases—in phase one, the Application Engine database is upgraded; once it completes successfully, phase two begins. In phase two, you are prompted to enter the SBM user name and password of your primary system administrator or an SBM user that has the Remote Administration privilege to upgrade the Orchestration Engine database.

  • Distributed Installation — The SBM components are installed on multiple servers that comprise a single production environment.

    For distributed installations, you will run the suite installer on each server, and then use SBM Configurator to upgrade the databases. When you begin the Orchestration Engine database upgrade on the server that hosts SBM Orchestration Engine, you are prompted to enter the SBM user name and password of your primary system administrator or an SBM user that has the Remote Administration privilege. This scenario requires that you start the SBM services and that you perform the database upgrades in a certain order. This is explained in more detail below in Upgrading the Databases.

  • Multi-environment installation — The SBM components are installed on single or multiple servers that are separated into multiple SBM environments (such as development, test, and production).

    The process for upgrading multiple environments (used in a path to production model) depends on which environment hosts SBM Application Repository and which environment you plan to upgrade first (Test/Staging first or Production first).

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of the Test environment and you plan to upgrade Test first

      In this setup, each environment uses a single instance of Application Repository that is installed in the Test environment. You will upgrade the Application Engine and Orchestration Engine databases in the Test environment first. After the upgrade in Test is finished, you will not be able to deploy to Production from Application Repository until you upgrade the Production servers and databases.

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of the Production environment and you plan to upgrade Test first

      In this setup, each environment uses a single instance of Application Repository that is installed in the Production environment. You will upgrade the Application Engine and Orchestration Engine databases in the Test environment first. After the upgrade in Test is finished, you will not be able to deploy to Test from Application Repository until you upgrade the Production servers and databases.

    • If SBM Application Repository is part of either Production OR Test and you plan to upgrade all environments at the same time

      If you plan to upgrade all environments at the same time (one immediately after the other), upgrade the instance that hosts Application Repository first (likely Production). This will allow you to upgrade the other environments that do not have SBM Application Repository without installing a temporary instance.

    For information about warnings that may appear during a multi-environment upgrade, see "Handling Warnings with Multiple Environments" in S141802.

Tip: In any of these scenarios, if you plan to test the upgrade first by making a copy of the production database and installing SBM 11.4 on a test machine, the upgrade process will report failures related to your environment definition in Application Repository. You can either update the endpoint and target server information in SBM Application Repository and click Retry Upgrade in SBM Configurator or click Clear Warnings to proceed without making the changes to finish the upgrade.

If you are upgrading from a release prior to 10.1.2, use SBM Configurator to designate which server will host the SBM Logging Services component. By default, SBM Logging Services appears on an undefined server until you drag and drop it to the desired server. If you are upgrading from a release after 10.1.2, SBM Logging Services is enabled on the same machine as SBM Common Services by default. You can use SBM Configurator to move it to a dedicated server, if necessary (for example, if you set the logging level to TRACE for debugging purposes).

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Follow these steps before you perform the upgrade.

  1. Verify that SBM 10.1.X or later is installed on the System Information tab in SBM Configurator.
  2. Back up your existing databases.
  3. Back up the SBM installation directory structure on the Application Engine server.
  4. Back up the Smart Search index directory on the SBM Common Services server. If you need to revert the upgrade for any reason, you will restore the index from this backup (because the index is rebuilt as part of the upgrade).
  5. Consider consulting with your DBA to assess the current table indexes in the SBM databases. Because significant database schema changes do not necessarily coincide with each database upgrade, table indexes are not automatically rebuilt as part of the upgrade process. Over time, indexes can report excessive fragmentation, which could negatively impact performance if they are not rebuilt periodically.
  6. If you store SBM item attachments on the file system, open SBM System Administrator and note the location of the attachments directory. You will enter the location in SBM Configurator later as part of the upgrade.
  7. Create a new database space in your DBMS to host the Configuration Settings database if you did not create it in a prior release. As of SBM 10.1.5, you can use this database to store configuration settings across your entire SBM installation in one centralized location.
  8. Stop the IIS and SBM Tomcat services on each SBM server.
  9. Download the new suite and client installers from https://www.microfocus.com/support-and-services/#SBM.

Upgrading the Installation

Follow these steps to upgrade an SBM server.
  1. Extract the server installation files, and then launch the suite installer. An installer message prompts you to confirm that you are upgrading your system. Click Next to continue.
  2. The Ready to Upgrade dialog box appears. Click Upgrade Now to begin upgrading the server installation. At the end of the installation upgrade, click Configure to launch SBM Configurator.
    Note: If you are prompted to restart your server, SBM Configurator launches automatically once the server has restarted. If you decline, you will not be able to run SBM Configurator until the server has been restarted.
  3. Decide if you will use the Configuration Settings database if you have not done so already. If you have a distributed installation, it is highly recommended that you use the Configuration Settings database, because it enables you to easily synchronize configuration settings between each SBM server without requiring you to export and import configuration snapshot files.

    On the Database Servers tab, enter database connection information for the Configuration Settings database that you created as part of the pre-upgrade process.

  4. Verify your configuration settings, and then click Apply. SBM Configurator detects the current upgrade process and upgrades the file system by merging existing configurations from your previous installation into the new installation files.
    Important: You must click Apply to save these changes before you upgrade the Application Engine and Orchestration Engine databases. Once the file system is upgraded, you can run SBM Configurator again anytime thereafter to verify or modify your configuration settings as needed.
  5. On each client machine, run the client installer. The client executable contains SBM Composer and is intended to be run only on client machines. Previous versions of SBM Composer are upgraded automatically and do not need to be uninstalled prior to upgrading. The new version is installed in the same location.

Upgrading the Databases

The database upgrade process occurs in two phases when upgrading from 10.1.X to any version in the 11.X line. Review the following important information before you begin.

  • The Orchestration Engine database upgrade is no longer automatically performed after you start the SBM services; instead, you must manually invoke the upgrade process by clicking the Upgrade Database link in SBM Configurator. This ensures that the Orchestration Engine database is not upgraded prematurely.
  • If SBM Application Engine and SBM Orchestration Engine are installed on the same server, the Orchestration Engine database upgrade is performed immediately after the Application Engine database upgrade.
  • If SBM Application Engine and SBM Orchestration Engine are installed on separate servers:
    • You must ensure that IIS is started on the SBM Application Engine server and SBM Tomcat is started on each of the other SBM servers. Both IIS and SBM Tomcat must be running and all components must be accessible from the SBM Orchestration Engine server before the Orchestration Engine database upgrade begins.
    • You must upgrade the Application Engine database on the SBM Application Engine server first, and then upgrade the Orchestration Engine database on the SBM Orchestration Engine server.
  • The Orchestration Engine database upgrade is performed by the renew utility using the user account that you specify when prompted. For details on this process and more information related to the Orchestration Engine database upgrade, refer to S141802.

When you are ready, open the Database Servers tab in SBM Configurator, and then click Upgrade Database.

Tip: If any errors occur during the Application Engine database upgrade, review the upgrade log here:
installDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\log

If an ORA-00904 message appears in the Application Engine upgrade log after you finish upgrading the Application Engine database, refer to solution S141358 for a description of the problem and a resolution.

After the databases are upgraded successfully, verify that the services are started in the Manage Services tab. Instruct Application Repository users to clear the cache in their Web browsers before they attempt to access SBM Application Repository.

Post-Upgrade Tasks

Review the following information and make any necessary changes after you have upgraded your servers and databases:

  • SBM Configurator warns you if your installation currently uses default certificates (which should be replaced) or if your current certificates will expire soon.
    Important: To properly secure your installation, you must generate new key pairs even if you do not plan to use SSO. If you do not generate new key pairs, then the default certificates that the STS inherently trusts are used. To increase security, launch SBM Configurator and generate new unique certificate for all components. For details, see "Securing SBM" in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • If you store SBM item attachments on the file system, enter the location of the attachments directory on the Common Services tab. This enables SBM Common Services to return attachments in Work Center search results. If you store attachments in the database, skip this step.
  • For systems that are configured to use client certificate authentication, you must perform additional configuration steps after the upgrade or disable the feature entirely. For details, refer to the entry about client certificate authentication in Installation and Configuration Issues.
  • HTML rendering and Rich Text editing is enabled by default for all notes in your system after the upgrade. To disable these features for notes, clear the Render HTML in Notes check box located on the HTML tab of the Settings dialog box in SBM System Administrator.
  • As part of the upgrade, SBM reviews the existing JBoss configuration and allocates the same amount of memory to Tomcat that was previously allocated to JBoss. After the upgrade, if you need to adjust the amount of memory that is allocated to Tomcat, perform the following steps:
    1. Stop the SBM Tomcat service.
    2. Navigate to installDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\tomcat\bin, and edit the common_config.bat file.
    3. Change the JVM_X_MAXMEMSIZE value as necessary.
    4. In the same \bin directory, execute the update_tomcat_config.bat file.
    5. Start the SBM Tomcat service.
  • After the database upgrades are finished, use the Reset Administrative User Access wizard in SBM System Administrator if your database does not contain at least one Regular User or Managed Administrator account with Remote Administration privilege. This wizard enables you to define at least one user as your primary system administrator (an account that has Regular User or Managed Administrator product access with Remote Administration privilege) who can log in to SBM Application Administrator. For details, see the SBM System Administrator Guide.
  • User credentials in SBM Application Engine Web service calls that use Basic authentication are now handled exclusively by SBM Application Engine itself, instead of IIS. This configuration is common if your SBM system is set up with NT Challenge Response for end-user authentication. After upgrade, this means that you must now specify the Windows domain for Web service calls in SBM Configurator, otherwise the domain that the IIS server machine is installed on is used for user validation.
  • The Require appended text option, available for Journal fields on the Attributes tab (field Property Editor) and the Field Overrides tab (workflow Property Editor) now works as intended. When the Required and Require appended text options are selected, users must append text to the field during a transition. When only Required is selected, users do not need to append text if there is an existing entry.

    In past releases, selecting only the Required option would require users to append text to an existing entry. Now, the Require appended text option must also be selected to require users to append text.

Upgrading Customizations and Integrations

Review the following information for help with upgrading custom changes and integrations.

  • If you made custom modifications to any HTML templates, e-mail templates, or online help files, you must merge your changes into the newly-upgraded files, and then use SBM System Administrator to Put Files in Database. All templates and images in the database are replaced by files on your local machine as part of this operation. Backup templates are stored on the installDir\SBM\Application Engine server here:

    installDir\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\Backup<version>-<date>-<time>
    Note: For a list of configuration Files, Web Interface templates, JavaScript files, and strings that have changed in this release, refer to solution S142555. You must manually merge some of your existing SSO customizations into the newly installed files after you upgrade your software and database.

    If you used custom HTML templates in your reports, the reports might not display properly after upgrade. Consider using the default template or modifying it as needed instead. For example, as of SBM 10.1.2, several changes were made to Summary Reports that might not display properly using a custom template from a prior release. Instead, either use the new default template or merge your chanes into the default template to create a new custom template.

  • If you installed the TT4ZMF integration prior to upgrading, you must follow the instructions in the TT4ZMF readme to reinstall the integration after the SBM upgrade is complete.
  • In SBM 10.1.2, the SSO Login Application (Federation Server) was merged with the SSO Security Token Service (STS) into a single SSO Security Server (also known as the Identity Provider (IDP)). This means that the ALFSSOLogin.war and TokenService.war directories were merged and replaced with a new idp directory on the SSO server.

    If you are upgrading from a release prior to 10.1.2 and you have created custom SSO integrations, you must review all URLs and calls to ensure that they use the latest directory names. For example, if your existing integrations call the Security Token Service (STS), you must ensure that the new idp directory is used.

    The endpoints of the SSO services must be changed accordingly. The relative URIs will stay the same, but since the application is new, the login application entry point will be http(s)://host[:port]/idp/login. For the STS, it will be: http(s)://host[:port]/idp/services/Trust.

  • If you configured your system to use anonymous events prior to the upgrade, you must either add credentials to your events (preferred) or you must select the Allow Anonymous Events check box in SBM Configurator and enter an SBM user name and password to use anonymous events after the upgrade.

Fixed Issues

A list of defects fixed in this version can be found in the Knowledge Base. You must have a user account to view items in the Knowledge Base. Register for a free account if you do not have already have one.

Known Issues

This section describes known issues and contains the following categories:

For a complete list of known issues and potential workarounds, refer to the Knowledge Base. You must have a user account to view items in the Knowledge Base. Register for a free account if you do not have already have one.

Documentation Issues

  • The SBM Installation and Configuration Guide pre-installation checklist erroneously states that users who will access Application Administrator must have Flash installed in order to access the interface. Application Administrator was updated in 11.4 to use HTML5 instead of Flash, so this note can be ignored.

Installation and Configuration Issues

  • The SBM Tomcat components in 11.X run on Java 8. Due to known issues in this version of Java, if client certificate authentication is enabled between components in SBM, all communication from Tomcat to IIS fails. Also, if SSO is used, users cannot log in to SBM when client certificate authentication is enabled. This means that you if have client certificate authentication enabled prior to the upgrade, you must disable it after the upgrade is finished. Alternatively, you can leave client certificate authentication enabled, and perform the steps described in D22099 to work around this problem.

    Once these defects (described here and here) are addressed, the JRE that is included with SBM will be updated.

  • The ODBC connection to Oracle fails and the following error appears when you attempt to connect to an Oracle 12c Release 2 database:
    [SBM][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol

    When you attempt a test connection on the Database Servers tab in SBM Configurator, it fails as well.

    This error appears as a result of an Oracle defect (refer to Bug 14575666 described here). To work around this problem, on the Oracle server, edit the sqlnet.ora file and set the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION value to 8.

Administrator Issues

SBM Application Repository Issues

  • The following issue is only applicable if you had previously upgraded to 10.1 or If you did not use either version prior to upgrading, then you can ignore this information.

    Values in promotion profiles that were created in 10.1 or were set to All by default. Starting with, entities for new items (items added to a process app since the profile was created) will be set to None by default.

    In addition:
    • Profiles created prior to 10.1 that had entities set to None may have been incorrectly using All. These entities will be set back to None.
    • Profiles created in 10.1 or that had entities set to the default All may also be set to None. These entities must be manually corrected.
    In general, it is recommended that you review your promotion profiles and adjust the settings accordingly.

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Serena, Dimensions, ChangeMan, Comparex, and StarTool are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, PVCS, TeamTrack, License Manager and Composer are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.