

The ProjectData type holds the name and other information about a project in SBM. The ProjectData type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
project ProjectIdentifier The project that is returned.
description string The description of the project. Derived from the TS_DESCRIPTION column in TS_PROJECTS.


The ProjectData type holds the ID, UUID, name and description used to describe a project. You can use GetSubmitProjects to retrieve the project data shown here.


The following XML snippet shows the ProjectData type in the return element of the GetSubmitProjects response.

      <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>IDM Project</ae:displayName>
         <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project||IDM Project</ae:fullyQualifiedName>
      <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Animation Pro</ae:displayName>
         <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project||Base IDT Project||
         Software Development||Animation Pro</ae:fullyQualifiedName>
      <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Image Builder</ae:displayName>
         <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project||Base IDT Project||
         Software Development||Image Builder</ae:fullyQualifiedName>