

The GetReportsResult type holds the number of reports returned, as well as high-level information for each report. The GetReportsResult type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
queryRange QueryRange Specifies the number of reports that are returned.
report ReportInfo Holds a description of the report.


The GetReportsResult type is sent back in response to a GetReports call. GetReportsResult summarizes the range of reports returned and provides an overview of each report. The actual contents of a report are obtained in the RunReportResult response. Use the isQueryAtRuntime element in the response to determine if the report can be executed using the RunReport call (query at runtime reports cannot be executed by RunReport). You can use GetReports to retrieve the report data shown here.


The following XML snippet shows the GetReportsResult type in the return element of the GetReports response.

         <ae:report xsi:type="ae:ReportIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>SCM Association Listing</ae:displayName>
         <ae:solution xsi:type="ae:SolutionIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>Issue Defect Management</ae:displayName>
         <ae:table xsi:type="ae:TableIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>SCM Associations</ae:displayName>
         <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>Base Project</ae:displayName>
            <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project</ae:fullyQualifiedName>
         <ae:createdBy xsi:type="ae:UserIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>Joe Manager</ae:displayName>
         <ae:modifiedBy xsi:type="ae:UserIdentifier">
            <ae:displayName>Joe Manager</ae:displayName>