

This service creates one or more new groups.


Argument Type Description
auth (optional) Auth The Auth type supplies credentials and optionally, a host name for licensing. The userId and password can be specified with HTTP BASIC or WS-SECURITY instead.
templateGroup GroupIdentifier Specifies an existing group that should be used as a template for creating new group. New groups are created based on the group account that you provide in the GroupIdentifier.
updateIfExists boolean Specify true to update any existing groups that are found with the same displayName.
group (required) GroupInfo Describes information about a group. Specify one or more group arguments to create one or more new groups.
options MultipleOptions Holds name value pairing for future elements and enumeration to determine if the service should stop on failure and send an error message, or continue processing.


GroupHolder is returned. The GroupHolder response contains the GroupIdentifier and additional information about the group. For more specific information, see GroupHolder.


The CreateGroups call provides a method to create one or more new user groups, given the proper privileges. Use the following arguments to control how the new user groups are created:



The following XML is a snippet of the payload that is sent with CreateGroups. In this example, two new groups are created without a template group.

         <urn:displayName>New Group 1</urn:displayName>
      <urn:memo>This group contains regular users.</urn:memo>
         <urn:displayName>New Group 2</urn:displayName>
      <urn:memo>This group contains external users.</urn:memo>

In this example, the CR Submitters group is used as a template to create the new group:

      <urn:displayName>CR Submitters</urn:displayName>
         <urn:displayName>New Group</urn:displayName>
      <urn:memo>This is a copy of the CR Submitters group.</urn:memo>