Applications → Managing States → System-Provided States
All workflows contain four unique "states" that are not available from the Workflow Palette, but that can be viewed in the workflow editor. You cannot add these states to or delete them from the workflow, and their properties cannot be changed.
You cannot have an outgoing transition from a regular state to the Any state. You can, however, have an outgoing transition from a decision to the Any state, if the only incoming transition to the decision is from the Any state.
The Any state is provided so you do not have to create separate transitions from every state in the workflow. For example, if the Any state did not exist, and you wanted to have a Delete transition button in every state form, you would have to add outgoing Delete transitions from every state to the Deleted state.
Normally, transitions on the Any state appear on the state form for all states. However, you can exclude these transitions for particular states. For example, suppose you have a Delay transition on the Any state. It makes sense to show this transition button on all states but the Delayed and Closed states. For information about how to do this, see Transitions Tab of the State Property Editor.
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