Enabling Anonymous Submit for a Project

On-premise only.

The Anonymous Submit feature enables you to allow users who do not have SBM user accounts to submit items into selected projects. These users can only view the Submit form and the Standard Fields section on that form. They can add file and URL attachments and notes to items while they are submitting them. After they submit an item, however, they can no longer view it or any other part of SBM.

The Anonymous Submit feature must be enabled on a project before you can enable the Anonymous E-mail Submit feature. For details on enabling anonymous submit via e-mail, refer to Enabling Anonymous E-mail Submit.

Consider the following information before implementing Anonymous Submit for a project:

To enable the Anonymous Submit feature:

  1. From the Projects view, select a project, and then click Details.
  2. Select the Allow Anonymous Submit option. The URL box populates with parameters that must be appended to the SBM URL to open the Anonymous Submit form.
  3. Modify the provided URL to append it to the SBM URL. For example, if your SBM URL is: http://serverName/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?, the anonymous submit URL might be http://serverName/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?AnonymousSubmitPage&projectid=16.
  4. Modify the Submit transition for the project and verify that all required fields are placed in the Standard Fields section or have default values set. If required fields are placed in other sections for the Submit transition, anonymous users cannot complete the transition.
  5. Publish the URL to users who will anonymously submit items.