Applications → Working with Forms → Customizing Forms → Managing Form Behavior → Using Form Widgets → Using the Relational Grid Widget
The relational grid enables you to replace Single and Multi-Relational field controls on custom state and transition forms with an embedded listing report that displays the related items and their fields (as opposed to viewing only the Value display format for related items). This enables users to view relevant information without having to navigate away from the form.
Defined in SBM Composer as a report of related items based on specific relational fields.
In a state form, users can view the list of related items and view specific fields on those items in a columnar format (depending on the fields that are defined in the report definition).
In a transition form, users can select an item using a radio button control for Single-Relational fields, or they can select multiple items using check boxes for Multi-Relational fields, which updates the underlying relational field when the transition is finished.
For a report that is defined in SBM Composer, you can choose which fields to display, what search filter to apply to limit candidate records, and query at runtime values that enable dynamic filtering of related items at runtime.
Before you begin, determine the application and table that are associated with the relational field that you want to display using the grid. You can find these details on the Options tab of the relational field.
To set up a relational grid:
Title contains '(Query at runtime)'Add an EditBox (named EscalatedIssue in this example), and then map it to the Title field:
This section provides a brief example that demonstrates how you can use values in selected items in the grid.
In transition forms, you can map the value or values of selected records to populate other controls. For example, you can add a Text control that displays the currently selected Severity values in the target table.
On the Refresh tab of the Text control, type { in the Display text field, and then select the relational grid and field:
Select On data change to have the text field contents update whenever the search button is clicked.
For Single Relational fields, because the display text of the text control can contain multiple references, you can construct any string from the contents of the related fields.
If the relational grid is associated with a Multi-Relational field, {GridWidgetName.ColumnName} is replaced by a comma-separated list of the values from the referenced field.
On state forms, the relational grid displays records that are not selected in the relational field unless you filter the results in the grid to only display records that are referenced by the relational field.
You can accomplish this by creating a relational field in the child item that points back to the parent item. You can then create a report that displays only the selected records by using a query such as:
Title contains (Query at runtime) AND ParentItem in (Query at runtime)
In the widget's Query tab, add the parent's record ID to restrict the results:
ParentItem: {_RecordId}
This ensures that the relational grid displays only the records contained in the Multi-Relational field when it is used on a state form.
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