SBM Orchestration Guide → Orchestration Procedures → Using the Scope, Throw, and Compensate Steps to Handle Faults From Web Services → Tutorial: Creating a Practice Process App for Fault Handling
In this section, you create a new process app named FaultHandlingProcApp. You will use this process app to practice using the Scope, Throw, and Compensate steps.
You can run the process app at any time after you create an application workflow and deploy the process app. To run the application workflow (project), follow the instructions in the relevant sections of Running the Fault Handling Process App.
To create the practice process app:
The Create New Process App dialog box opens.
The Configure Process App dialog box opens.
PTable stands for primary table.
The Description field is added to the table, in alphabetical order. The Description field will also be added to the state and transition forms. Information that is returned by the orchestration workflows you create in this section is displayed in this field and in the Title field.
Under Application Workflows, FaultHandlingApp Workflow should be selected.
FaultHandlingAppWorkflow appears under NamedFaultAWF.
FaultHandlingAppWorkflow appears under ThrowAWF.
The New Orchestration dialog box opens.
The Web Service Configuration dialog box opens.
SerenaSampleTickerService appears in App Explorer under Web Services.
A message box opens reminding you that the design elements have been saved to the Local Cache only.
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