Administrative Utilities → About Resources → Resource Settings → The Resource Teams View → General Team Settings
Use the General page to define a name, parent resource team, and description for each team. You can also view the team lead, if one has been set for the team.
Provide a name for the team. Team names do not need to be unique as long as the teams reside in different levels of the hierarchy. The team name cannot contain a forward slash (/).
If the team will be the child of a higher-level team, select the parent team from the drop-down list. This is useful for handling organizational hierarchies with your team. For example, the parent team may be a large business unit, and child teams might be departments within that business unit. You can create multiple hierarchical levels for your teams.
Optionally, provide a description for the team.
If a team lead has been set on the Team - Resources page, it is shown here, but only for the current time period.
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