Users view lists the users you have privileges to
administer. Use this view to search for users and to add, edit, copy, and
delete user accounts.
Finding and Sorting Users in the
By default, users are sorted alphabetically by login ID. Depending on
the number of users in your system, you may need to navigate the list to find
users. To navigate the list of users:
- Click column headers to sort fields by login ID, user name, status,
product-access type, or memo.
- Search for users by login ID or user name.
- Use
Items Per Page to set the number of items to
display on the page. You can use one of the provided amounts or specify your
own number under 1,000 items. Use the navigation arrows to move through
multiple pages.
Tip: To select users on multiple pages, use the CTRL or SHIFT
keys to select users on one page, and then use the navigation buttons at the
bottom of each page to move to other pages. Use the CTRL or SHIFT keys to
select users on these pages. A count of selected users is available at the
bottom of the
Users view.
Use these options to include various types of users in the list:
- Show Deleted Users
- Show External Users
- Show Occasional Users
Users View Options
The following options enable you to work with users in the list:
- Add
Click to add a user account. For details, refer to
Adding Users.
- Details
Select one or more users, and then click to edit them. For
details, refer to
Comparing and Changing User and Group Accounts.
- Delete
Select one or more users, and then click to delete the accounts.
For details, refer to
Deleting User Accounts.
- Restore
This button is enabled when the
Show Deleted Users check box and a deleted user is selected.
Restore to restore the deleted user.
- Enable
This button is enabled when users have exceeded a specified number
of login attempts and their accounts have been disabled. To enable these
accounts, select a disabled user in the list, and then click
Note: Use
SBM System Administrator
to set the number of allowed login attempts before user accounts are
disabled. (On-premise only.)
- Copy
Select a user, and then click to copy the account. For details,
refer to
Copying User Accounts.
- Import
Click to open the Import Users utility. For details, refer to
About User Import.
- Refresh
Click to refresh the page to its last saved state or to update the
page after a deployment or promotion.
User Information
The following information is available for each user:
- Login ID
- Name
- Status
If empty, the user is active. Deleted users are listed is the
Show Deleted Users check box is selected.
- Access Type
Indicates each user's assigned product-access level.
- Memo
Information from the
Memo box for each user is shown, it
- Out of Office
Lists scheduled and active out-of-office entries for each user.
For details, refer to
Delegating Primary Items to Another User.
User Counts and Seat License
On-premise customers can view user counts and seat license usage
details for their system at the bottom of the
Users view.
- Accounts with Regular User or Managed Administrator product access
are listed as "Regular Users."
- Accounts with Occasional User product access are listed as
"Occasional Users."
- Accounts with External User product access are listed as "External
For systems using seat licenses, the number of available seat licenses
is provided. Because the number of user accounts in your system cannot exceed
the number of seat licenses, this count helps you monitor seat license
Note: Requestor seat licenses are consumed by users with External User
product access.
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