Assigning Groups to Roles


Create roles for an application in SBM Composer, assign privileges to those roles, and then deploy the application.

Use the Roles page in the Groups view to make role assignments for one or more groups. You can assign roles for these groups in multiple projects.

For example, you can edit the Managers, Employees, and IT Technicians groups and assign each group to different roles in different projects as appropriate.

To assign groups to roles in projects:

  1. From the Administrator Portal, select the Groups icon.
  2. Select one or more groups in the list, and then click Details.
    Note: If you are adding a group, click Add Group.
  3. Select the Roles tab.
  4. Navigate to or for search for a project in the Projects area, and then select the project.
  5. In the bottom pane, select a role, and then select the check box under each group to enable the role for the group. If a role is already enabled for a group, clear the check box to return to the role's inherited status.
  6. Repeat for each project, as needed. As you change role assignments, they are listed in the Changes area. This enables you to save your changes for multiple projects at one time rather than incrementally for each project.
  7. Save your changes.